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IELTS Band Score Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide

IELTS Band Score Calculator

Over 2.5 million students across 140 countries appear for the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam yearly, making it one of the world’s most popular English language proficiency tests. The IELTS exam is available at over 1,100 test centres and is widely accepted by universities and other organisations in major English-speaking countries. 

For Indian students aspiring to study abroad the IELTS exam is a crucial step in the visa and university application process. As English is not the primary language spoken in India, students are required to take an English proficiency test that evaluates their speaking, writing, and listening skills, assigning them a grade. In this blog, we will explore the details of the IELTS Band Score Calculator, its components, practical usage, how to calculate, and the exam format.

IELTS Overall Band Score Calculator

IELTS Exam Format

The IELTS exam assesses a candidate’s proficiency in English language skills across four key areas: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. There are two versions of the IELTS test: Academic and General Training. The format for each version is similar, but there are differences in the content of the Reading and Writing sections.

TaskEvaluation Format
ListeningMultiple Choice QuestionsDiagram LabelingShort AnswersMatchingSentence Completion, etc
Academic ReadingMultiple Choice QuestionsIdentifyingInformationMatching Headings and FeaturesSummaryNotes, etc
Academic WritingDescription of  facts or processes provided in pictures and a 250-word essay
General Training Reading
Multiple Choice QuestionsIdentifying InformationMatching Headings andFeaturesSummaryNotes, etc
General Training WritingPersonal Response (150 words)Semi-formal write-up (250 words)

How To Calculate IELTS Band Score?

In the IELTS exam, the writing and speaking sections are assessed based on subject-specific criteria, whereas the listening and reading sections are scored according to the number of correct answers out of 40 questions. Your performance in these two sections determines your IELTS band score, which reflects your proficiency in English. The band score ranges from 0 to 9, with 9 being the highest. The table below illustrates the correlation between the number of correct answers and the corresponding band score in the listening and reading sections:

Number of Correct Answers (Listening and Reading)Band Score
39 – 40Band 9
35 – 38Band 8
31 – 34Band 7
24 – 30Band 6
16 – 23Band 5
Less than 16Band 4

IELTS Writing Test Assessment Criteria  

Both Writing Task 1 and Task 2 are assessed based on four key parameters. Examiners assign a band score for each of these criteria:

Task Achievement (for Task 1)

  • Presenting accurate information
  • Providing a clear overview
  • Highlighting key features effectively
  • Supporting details with relevant data

Task Response (for Task 2)

  • Addressing all aspects of the prompt
  • Supporting points with relevant examples
  • Providing a well-rounded conclusion  

Given below are the assessment criteria: 

Coherence and CohesionTo organise information/ideas into paragraphsHaving one central idea for each paragraphTo use a range of linking devices
Lexical Resource To use a range of words and paraphraseTo use collocationsCheck to spell
Grammatical Range and AccuracyTo use a range of sentence structuresTo use a range of tensesAvoid errorsCheck punctuation

IELTS Speaking Test Assessment Criteria  

The IELTS Speaking test is assessed based on specific criteria that evaluate a candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in spoken English. The assessment criteria cover four key aspects of speaking: 

Fluency and CoherenceTalk without pausesTalk at lengthMake sure you are understoodUse linking devices
Lexical ResourceUse a range of words and paraphraseUse common vocabularyAvoid errorsUse collocations
Grammatical Range and AccuracyUse a range of sentence structuresUse a range of tensesAvoid errors
PronunciationMake sure you are understoodUse intonationMake sure your accent does not affect your understanding

Overall  IELTS Band Score Calculator

Let’s explore how the overall IELTS score is determined. The first step is to find the average of the scores obtained in all four sections: reading, speaking, writing, and listening. 

For example:

  • Listening – 6.5
  • Reading – 6.5
  • Writing – 5.0
  • Speaking – 8.0

To calculate the average score:

Average score = (6.5 + 6.5 + 5.0 + 8.0) / 4

= 26 / 4

= 6.5

Therefore, the overall IELTS score is 6.5. However, there can be instances where the average score does not reach a multiple of 0.5. In such cases, rounding is necessary to determine the final band score.

How Is IELTS Score Calculated? 

Scores between 7 and 9 are generally regarded as good IELTS scores, reflecting a high level of English proficiency. On the other hand, scores of 5 or 6 indicate an “OK” IELTS score, demonstrating a moderate level of language competency. However, scores below 5 are generally considered poor IELTS scores, indicating a need for significant improvement in English proficiency. Understanding where your IELTS score falls within these ranges will help you measure your eligibility for admission to universities abroad.

Band ScoreSkill LevelDescription
9Expert user– Has full operational command of the language.
– Uses English fluently and accurately in all contexts.
– Rarely makes mistakes and can handle complex language well.
8Very good user– Has a very good command of the language.
– Uses English fluently with only occasional unsystematic inaccuracies.
– Understands and can handle complex language well.
7Good user– Has a good command of the language despite some inaccuracies and misunderstandings.
– Can use and understand fairly complex language, particularly in familiar situations.
6Competent user– Has an effective command of the language.
– Uses and understands fairly complex language well, with occasional errors and misunderstandings.
5Modest user– Has partial command of the language, coping with overall meaning in most situations.
– Likely to make many mistakes but can understand and communicate in familiar contexts.
4Limited user– Basic competence is limited to familiar situations.
– Has frequent problems in understanding and expression.
3Extremely limited user– Conveys and understands only general meaning in very familiar situations.
– Frequently unable to use complex language.
2Intermittent user– Has great difficulty understanding spoken and written English.
1Non-user– Essentially has no ability to use the language beyond a few isolated words.
0Did not attempt the test– Did not answer the questions or did not attend the test.


In conclusion, the IELTS Band Score Calculator plays a crucial role in helping students achieve their dreams of getting into their dream college. By accurately assessing their language proficiency levels, students can identify the band score requirements of their desired colleges and work towards meeting those targets. With its user-friendly interface and reliable scoring algorithm, the IELTS Band Score Calculator empowers test takers to track their progress, set realistic goals, and ultimately increase their chances of achieving their desired scores.


How can I calculate my IELTS score?

The test assesses four parts – Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking – with scores ranging from 1 to 9. A cumulative band score is determined by averaging the scores from these sections. Each part can yield whole (e.g., 5.0, 6.0, 7.0) or half (e.g., 5.5, 6.5, 7.5) bands.

Which country accept 5.5 bands in 2023?

Countries like Australia, Canada, UK New Zealand, the US, Ireland and many more accept 5.5 bands in IELTS 

Is 7 a good score for IELTS?

Yes, scoring 7.0 or higher in the IELTS examination demonstrates a strong proficiency level, meeting the requirements of most universities. 

How much time is required to prepare for IELTS?

The ideal preparation time for the IELTS exam fall within the range of 4 to 6 months. However, the minimum duration for IELTS depends on individual circumstances and goals, allowing for a flexible approach.

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1 thought on “Top PGDM Courses In Canada: Universities, Specialisations & Eligibility”

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IELTS Band Score Calculator

IELTS Band Score Calculator: A Comprehensive Guide

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