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Commonly Used Connectors In English For The IELTS

connectors in english

Have you ever bothered to look for connectors or linking words in a phrase when reading a book or any text material? While it is uncommon for individuals to consciously focus on finding out connectors in English, prepping for an IELTS exam may push you to do so! The IELTS writing component is largely graded on coherence and continuity. Linking words for IELTS or connectors are crucial grammatical resources that demonstrate a solid command of the language to the IELTS examiner. 

Before we proceed with our list of connecting words for IELTS, let’s catch up on understanding what exactly these connectors or linking words are and in what context they are to be used.

What Are Connectors Or Linking Words?

A connector is a linguistic element that joins the ideas expressed in two distinct sentences, phrases, or sections. It is also called a ‘linking word’ or ‘conjunctive word’. The IELTS speaking test’s results are heavily influenced by connectors in English. It is critical to use the appropriate connectors when speaking to achieve a high score.

What Are The Types Of Connectors In English? 

Examiners grade students’ written essays based on the precision, range, and flexibility of linkers and connectors. Here is a thorough list of connectors from several categories that you may utilise in your sentence structure. 

Causes & Reason

When writing essays, you may need to provide causes or explanations for a certain statement. This can occur even during the IELTS speaking test when a question is asked. In this sense, the following linkers may be In this sense, the following linkers may be useful:

  • Due to
  • Because
  • Owing to
  • As
  • Since
  • Thus.
  • Consequently.
  • For instance; For example.

Adding Information

This type of linker is used to emphasise crucial points expressed by candidates in their essays. The primary sentences in IELTS speaking should be supplemented by additional information about the topic. Here are several connections that signal that additional information is forthcoming –

  • Furthermore
  • Additionally
  • In addition
  • Not only, but also
  • Also
  • Moreover
  • And
  • As well as


Lists are commonly used in paragraphs to present points. The usage of specified vocabulary in essays makes them more formal and clear. Here are a number of connectors in English used commonly in IELTS to help you list your paragraphs:

  • Firstly
  • Secondly
  • Finally
  • Thirdly
  • Fourthly
  • Lastly

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Giving Examples

It is usually good to exercise concepts with examples. Candidates must use a variety of linking words to show their views, and these words must be spoken or written.

  • For instance
  • For example
  • To cite an example
  • To illustrate
  • Namely
  • Such as
  • In other words

Stressing And Highlighting

It is vital to understand the aim of your essay. The IELTS essay connecting words listed below can be used to underline important ideas and concepts and guarantee they are not overlooked:

  • Specifically
  • Especially
  • In particular
  • Particularly
  • Obviously
  • Clearly
  • Of course

Consequences & Results

These connectors in English are useful for the IELTS test especially when applicants need to articulate a consequence or result:

  • As a result
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • Consequently
  • For this reason
  • So
  • Hence

Contrasts & Concessions

It is usually vital to give contrasting viewpoints in an essay. This is especially important in discussion essays when detailed information is essential. The following connecting words can help candidates indicate to the reader that they are ready to provide an opposing viewpoint:

  • Nevertheless
  • However
  • On the other hand
  • Admittedly
  • Although
  • Even though
  • Despite
  • But
  • Although
  • Still
  • In spite of
  • Alternatively
  • In comparison
  • By contrast


These connectors in English are the most crucial in bringing a sentence to a conclusion and providing a summary of their response:

  • To sum up
  • To conclude
  • In conclusion

Providing Opinion

Aspirants can articulate their ideas more confidently and succinctly by using the following linkers:

  • I believe
  • I admit
  • In my opinion
  • I think
  • I agree/concur

Why Should You Use Connectors For IELTS?

The following are a few reasons why you should use linking words or connectors in English for your IELTS writing and speaking tests:

  1. They make your writing more readable and engaging.
  2. You get to add meaning to otherwise dense phrases.
  3. They enable readers to comprehend how one statement is connected to another.
  4. They assist in determining the intent of the inquiry and providing a suitable response.


Although most connectors are used at the opening of sentences, they are also used often in the middle. Using connectors in IELTS speaking tests might help you enhance your English skills. With the use of connectors, even complicated phrases may be conveyed in a logical fashion.

Thank you for reading this blog on Commonly Used Connectors In English For IELTS. If you’d like to read more, here are some other blogs that might be of interest to you –

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Commonly Used Connectors In English For The IELTS

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