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Which Are The Oldest Universities In The World?

In this article we provide you with a detailed analysis about how to go about Understanding University Offers.

Human education is almost as old as the human race itself, for, from the moment they are born, humans strive to learn, adapt and overcome. Over the years, education evolved from learning subjective skills and religious scriptures to learning about the world and its various fields and dimensions. Thus arose the concepts of formal universities and degrees. In this article, we will take a look at some of the oldest universities in the world.  

Here is a comprehensive oldest universities in the world list for your perusal :- 

The University of Taxila in Ancient India (now Pakistan)

The oldest universities in the world list cannot be made without taking into account some of the oldest and most prestigious universities of ancient India, one of which is the University of Taxila which is a part of modern-day Pakistan. Many locals believe that it is the oldest uni in the world, though it is a debatable claim. The Taxila University thrived in ancient India between 600 BC to 500 AD in Gandhar, which is now a part of Pakistan. The university taught 68 subjects including Vedas, language, Philosophical Sciences, astronomy, medicine, surgery, politics, archery warfare, music, and more. To be admitted to the university students needed to be at least 16 years old. The university had around 10,500 students, including international students from China, Babylon, Syria, and Greece.

 University of Nalanda | Oldest Universities In The World

Many people wonder- is Nalanda the oldest university in the world? The answer is, yes, Nalanda University is considered by many to be one of the oldest universities in the world. It thrived during the Gupta empire from 500 AD to 1300 AD. It was a huge university that had 300 lecture halls, and various labs and libraries. It has been recorded in History that nearly 10,000 students were taught by 200 professors at Nalanda University. 

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University of Bologna

The University of Bologna was founded in 1088 in Italy and since it has never been out of operation, holds the title of the oldest uni in the world. Interestingly, the word “university,” derived from the Latin “universitas magistrorum et scholarium,” was coined at this very university! Until the recent past, the university offered only PhD programs but it now boasts of offering a diverse range of programs at all study levels. The University has several famous alumni including three popes, several businessmen and a number of Italian politicians. If you are wondering what is the oldest continually operating university in the world, then the University Of Bologna is definitely one of your answers. 

Oxford University  |Oldest Universities In The World

Oxford University in the UK is one of the world’s oldest and most respected universities. It was founded around the year 1096 and has since then become a dominant force in global education, producing several successful alumni including Sir Stephen Hawking, 28 UK Prime Ministers, 20 Archbishops of Canterbury, and 50 Nobel Prize winners. This university is also one of the top answers to the question of what is the oldest continually operating university in the world ?

Al-Qarawiyyin, Morocco

This university was started In 859, by Fatima al-Fihri whose aim was to help the local people gain access to education as she built a local mosque cum school known as a madarsa. The Madarsa eventually grew to become a full-fledged university and has been officially recognized by UNESCO and the Guinness World Records and UNESCO to be the world’s oldest degree-granting university. In recent years, the university has had more active participation by women, which is a positive sign for education.

University of Salamanca | Oldest Universities In The World

This university was founded in Spain in 1135 by Alfonso IX and was the first European university institution that was granted the title of “University” formally by the King of Castile and León, Alfonso X, and the Pope in the year 1254. It is the oldest university still in operation in Spain and also one of the most prestigious ones in the country. It is one of the top oldest universities in the world.

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge was established in 1209 after a group of Oxford students left the university in protest of the execution of 2 scholars and decided to establish a university of their own. The university is located in Massachusetts, USA, and is now one of the oldest and most well-reputed universities in the world, along with being one of the highest-ranked.


1. Which are the 10 oldest universities in the world?

The University of Oxford, University of Salamanca, University of Cambridge, University of Padua, University of Naples Federico II, University of Siena, University of Coimbra, Al-Azhar University, University of Bologna and the University of Paris are the top 10 oldest universities in the world.

2. Which is the first university in the world?

According to UNESCO and Guinness World Records, the University of Al Quaraouiyine is the oldest university that has been continuously running; and also the first degree-granting educational institution in the world.

3. Is Nalanda University the oldest university in the world?

Nalanda University was situated about 90 kilometres southeast of Pataliputra, close to the city of Rajagriha (now known as Rajgir). It was regarded by historians as the first residential university in the history of the globe.

We hope you enjoyed this blog on the oldest universities in the world. To know more about related fields, do check out our other blogs. 

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In this article we provide you with a detailed analysis about how to go about Understanding University Offers.

Which Are The Oldest Universities In The World?

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