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Tenancy Agreement

A tenancy agreement, also known as a lease agreement or rental agreement, is a legally binding contract between a landlord and a tenant that outlines the terms and conditions of the rental arrangement. This document governs the use of a residential or commercial property and serves to protect the rights and responsibilities of both parties. 

Tenancy Agreement Decoded

Parties Involved

The tenancy agreement identifies the primary parties involved – the landlord (property owner or management company) and the tenant (individual or entity renting the property).

Property Description

The agreement includes a detailed description of the rented property, specifying its location, address, and any unique identifiers.

Term of Tenancy

The agreement specifies the duration of the tenancy, whether it’s a fixed-term lease (e.g., 12 months) or a month-to-month arrangement. It also outlines the start and end dates of the lease.

Rent Details

The agreement clearly states the amount of rent, the due date for payments, acceptable payment methods, and any penalties for late payments.

Security Deposit

Details about the security deposit, including the amount, conditions for its return, and any deductions that may be made, are outlined in the agreement.

Utilities and Maintenance

Responsibilities for utility payments (water, electricity, gas, etc.) are specified. The agreement also delineates which party is responsible for property maintenance and repairs.

Use of Property

The agreement defines the purpose for which the property can be used (residential or commercial) and any restrictions on its use.


The names of all individuals authorised to occupy the property are listed, preventing unauthorised subletting or occupancy.

Termination and Renewal

Procedures for terminating the lease, including notice periods for both the landlord and tenant, are outlined. Terms for lease renewal or extension are also specified.

Landlord’s Access

The agreement addresses the landlord’s right to access the property for inspections, repairs, or other necessary reasons, typically with advance notice.

Tenant Responsibilities

The tenant’s responsibilities, such as maintaining the property in good condition, adhering to community rules, and notifying the landlord of necessary repairs, are clearly defined.

Pets and Additional Terms

If pets are allowed, the agreement may include specific clauses regarding pet-related responsibilities and potential additional deposits. Any other special terms or conditions are also outlined.


Both parties’ responsibilities regarding property insurance are addressed, including whether the landlord or tenant is required to maintain renter’s insurance.

Governing Law

The agreement specifies the governing law, indicating which jurisdiction’s laws apply in case of disputes or legal issues.


The agreement is finalised with the signatures of both the landlord and the tenant, indicating their acceptance and understanding of the terms outlined in the document.

The Bottom Line is…

A well-drafted tenancy agreement is crucial for a harmonious landlord-tenant relationship, as it provides a clear framework for the rights and obligations of both parties. It is recommended that both landlords and tenants thoroughly review and understand the terms before signing the agreement to avoid misunderstandings and legal complications.

A to Z Glossary Terms

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Tenancy Agreement