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Cost Of Living In Berlin For Students 2024

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Are you someone with minimal needs who can make do with only a few resources or are you an adventure buff who wishes to experiment and explore the vibrant city of Berlin? Regardless of it all, understanding what factors contribute to the cost of living in Berlin for students is only going to guide you throughout your stay. You wouldn’t be facing the problem of going to a departmental store and running out of money because you under-assessed the groceries amount if you knew the living expenses in Berlin already! How you would know about these costs without actually going there is actually not rocket science because we have compiled this article which will lead you to understand the average cost of living in Berlin for international students.

Educating yourself at a public university in Berlin means that you do not have to pay tuition fees. You read it right! Most of the universities in Germany offering undergraduate and masters’ programmes provide free education to both domestic as well as international students. If you’ve been referring to a Berlin trip guide to evaluate all your expenses, you’ve made it to the right place! On average, the cost of living in Berlin for students ranges between €1,778 to €1,848 per month. We will now be including the details pertaining to the other expenses which would include accommodation, internet, electricity, health insurance, groceries, and more. 

Cost Of Living In Berlin: A Breakdown

Here’s a monthly breakdown of the essential living costs in Berlin for international students –

ParticularsExpenses (Per Month)
Off-Campus Accommodation€670
On-Campus Accommodation€600
Total Cost of Living with Off-Campus Accommodation€1,848
Total Cost of Living with On-Campus Accommodation€1,778
Annual Cost Of Living€22,596

Student Accommodation In Berlin

Finding suitable accommodation in Berlin can be a challenge. However, there are various options available. One of the most popular options is to live in a student dormitory, which can be found all over the city. These dormitories offer a variety of room types and amenities, such as shared kitchens, laundry facilities, and common areas for socializing.

Another option is to rent an apartment or room in a shared flat, which will provide more privacy and independence. Additionally, some universities offer their own student housing, which can be a convenient and affordable option. Regardless of the type of accommodation, it’s essential to start the search early and consider factors such as location, budget, and proximity to public transportation.

Depending on the type of student accommodation you pick and the location you’re in, the average monthly rent in Berlin for international students ranges between €600 to €670 per month.

Internet Expenses

You are reading this article because of the availability of the internet. You must have already applied to a university in Berlin through their online portals. Your recent social media post was also because you had sufficient data or wifi. Do you realize how the internet plays a crucial role in our lives as a student? The cost of living in Berlin for students also includes choosing an internet provider for yourself. If you are someone who prefers to use the internet only when needed, then I recommend you take a 10-16MBit contract where you’ll have to pay an average amount of €10 per month. However, a contract with 50MBits internet will cost you around €23 per month.  Please note that some student housing options include utility bills like the internet in the rent while some don’t.

cost of living in Berlin

Mobile Phone Provider Costs

You can either buy a new phone with an internet package or use your old phone and opt for data packs. Either way, your cost of living in Berlin will be affected by mobile phone providers. Mobile Phone contracts in Berlin will cost around 18 euros per month if you need a basic 2GB package with not much usage of the internet. However, someone like me who is heavily dependent on their mobile phones and uses them for music, to stream videos, and to post social media, will need at least 4GB to 5 GB which starts at around 23 euros per month.

Electricity Expenses 

Did you know: Electricity was invented by Alexander Lodygin and Willian Greener even before Benjamin Franklin? 
Today, we are largely dependent on electricity for everything that we do. How you consume it may vary depending on your needs. If you are creative with your lights and install LED lamps, if you have power-efficient laptops, then you may not consume as much energy. But a typical household in Berlin consumes approximately 3.500kWh of electricity which would mean that while calculating the cost of living in Berlin, you will include an amount of 80 euros per month as a part of your electricity bills.

Groceries & Food

cost of living in Berlin

When it comes to groceries, you should consider yourself lucky because entire Germany is known for its super-affordable groceries with a certain level of quality. To give you a rough idea about how much you will be spending on groceries while evaluating living expenses in Berlin, you can do your monthly grocery shopping for around €24, and this will help majorly with saving up as opposed to eating out or dining or takeaways.

It is safe to say that on average, international students spend around €588 per month for their food & meal requirements. However, your choices will broadly impact your expenses. You can budget well if you manage to strike a balance between eating out and sorting your meals at home.

Transportation Costs

As students, you will first get familiarized with public transportation in Berlin before buying a vehicle of your own. On average, students spend about €85 for their transportation & commuting necessities. We will give you two handy tips to save on your transport costs –

Tip 1: We highly recommend buying the monthly BVG ticket, which will cost you around 32 euros per month.
Tip 2: An improvised version of tip 1 wherein we recommend you pay for the BVG ticket 12 months in advance so that you can get it at a discounted rate.

The Cost Of Living In Berlin In A Glimpse

In conclusion, your stay in Berlin will be a smooth one if you plan according to these costs and maintain your budget well, which I’m sure you can ace, thanks to this Berlin trip guide! Talking about planning, make sure you also prepare well for a perfect trip from your hometown to Berlin. Do set aside some additional Euros in the event that an emergency occurs. Keep in mind that many HEIs in Germany ask for a semester contribution which is NOT the same as your tuition fees, but may come up to around €250 per semester.

Did you enjoy reading this blog on the Cost Of Living In Berlin? If you wish to read more, here are some blogs that we think you will enjoy reading – 

1 thought on “Top PGDM Courses In Canada: Universities, Specialisations & Eligibility”

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Cost Of Living In Berlin For Students 2024

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