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Canada Student Visa Rejection Rate & Success Rate – 2024

canada student visa rejection rate

Oh no, getting that Canadian student visa seems way tougher these days. Before COVID-19, it looked like only 15-20% of applications got rejected. This isn’t amazing, but at least there was a decent chance. Now? Recently, the Canada visa rejection rate has soared alarmingly, now oscillating between 40% and 50%—a significant escalation! Securing a student visa to Canada has evolved into a formidable challenge. Particularly for applicants from India, where nearly 40% find their hopes dashed. 

Overview Of Canada Student Visa Rejection Rate In 2024

Pre-COVID Acceptance Rate    85%
Current Rejection Rate 40%
Contribution to the Canadian Economy    $11.7 billion
Percentage of Total Intake from India     41%
Rejection Rate for Indian Applicants40% (highest for any country in 2023)

Canada Student Visa Rejection Rate India 

It’s tough to pin down an exact refusal rate of Canada student visas in 2024. While there aren’t any official numbers out yet, sources say it’s generally low. A Canadian government report from a couple of years back showed a refusal rate of only 4.7% for study permit applications. That means most applications get the green light!

  • Canada’s universities have been booming with international students lately. In 2022, nearly half (around 40%) of all enrolled students were actually from India! To note, Indian students hold the supreme group of international students in Canada, as of date. 
  • The party seemed to be over for Indian students in Canada by the second half of 2023. Their applications for student visas, which once enjoyed a smooth ride, hit a rough patch. 
  • A staggering 40% of these applications got the thumbs down. This was the highest rejection rate for any country that year. This jump in rejections shows just how tricky and complex getting a student visa Canada can be.


An Analysis By Toronto Star On Canada Student Visa Rejection Rate India 

Let’s unpack the key details about student visa rejection rates for Indian students in Canada.

This table paints a clear picture: rejection rates for student visas have plummeted since COVID-19, while international students from India continue to be a major player in Canadian universities. They make up a significant portion of all foreign students and contribute substantially to the Canadian economy.

Pre-Covid Acceptance Rate      85%
Current Rejection Rate 40%
Contribution to the Canadian Economy    $11.7 billion
Percentage of Total Intake41%

Reasons For Canada Student Visa Rejection 

So, your dream of studying in Canada hit a snag? Don’t worry, visa rejections are quite common. There are a few key areas that can trip up student applications: missing or messed-up paperwork, financial woes, academic hurdles, and past travel issues. It is important to understand the student visa rejection rate Canada.

Canada student visa fee is a crucial step, and having it squared away before hitting submit will save you time and frustration. Think of it as your investment in discovering exciting educational opportunities in the Great White North!

Reason for Visa RejectionConcerns
Missing or Incomplete Documentation      Skimp on the paperwork and your visa dreams might fizzle out. Ensure that every document is carefully organised, and scrutinise each one for absolute precision. An overlooked error, however minor, could disastrously derail your entire itinerary.
Insufficient Funds Having a thin wallet or financial papers that are as clear as mud can seriously hurt your chances of getting a visa.  It’s tough for visa officers to approve your trip if they’re not convinced you can cover your expenses or that your financial situation is on the up and up.
Doubts about Return to Home Country     Applicants with significant family ties in Canada or limited job opportunities in their home country may face rejection.
Academic PerformanceSeeing a mix of grades and lower scores on English tests can definitely set off some alarm bells.
Travel or Identity Document Issues  For your visa application to sail through smoothly, make sure your travel documents, like your passport, are valid and the information is crystal clear and easy for them to read.  Even a tiny wrinkle or a faded stamp can hitch your application, so double-check everything!
Immigration History     It’s important to be aware that applications with a history of immigration violations or previous rejections may undergo a more thorough review process. This could potentially lead to a delay, or even a rejection, of your application.
Purpose of Visit  Landing a Canadian student visa hinges on convincing the officer your heart is set on studying here. It’s not just about ticking boxes; you need to show that Canada’s classrooms are the key to discover your academic dreams.
Family Ties in Canada  Having close family already living in Canada can raise a red flag for visa officers. They might worry you’ll be tempted to stay after finishing your studies, putting your application under the microscope and raising the chances of rejection.
Limited Job Opportunities in Home Country  To ensure a smooth transition back home after their studies, applicants from countries with fewer job prospects might be asked to submit supplementary documentation that strengthens their ties to their home country.
Financial Resources     Skimpy bank statements can put a big red X on your application. It shows the reviewer you might not have enough cash to swing this, raising doubts about your ability to cover the costs.

What To Do After Canada Student Visa Rejection? 

Argh, a Canadian student visa rejection? Don’t sweat it! There are ways to bounce back stronger. The good news is these tips can be your secret tool for applying to student visa Germany or other countries too. Many places share similar application hurdles, so you have got this!

  • Review the Rejection Letter
  • Understand the Reasons
  • Improve Your Application
  •  Consider Reapplying
  • Stay Positive and Persistent

Consider partnering with immigration gurus like UniScholars. Their expert guidance can help you improve your application, giving your chances of success a real boost.

How To Prevent Canada Student Visa Rejection? 

Dreaming of studying in Canada? Don’t let visa worries rain on your parade! And hey, if you’re eyeing adventures beyond Canada, like scoring a sweet post-study work visa USA. Showcasing a clear path for your education and career can be a plus!

Check out a few tips to prevent the student visa Canada rejection rate:

Submit Complete and Accurate Documentation       Double-check that all your paperwork is in tip-top shape! Make sure application forms, financial documents, transcripts from your educational adventures, and any language test scores are filled out accurately and reflect your latest information.
Demonstrate Sufficient Financial ResourcesTo help us understand your financial situation, please submit documentation that shows you can cover your expenses. This could include bank statements that prove you have sufficient funds, a sponsorship letter, or a scholarship letter confirming an award.
Show Genuine Intent    Convey the genuine aspirations driving your educational pursuits and career ambitions, and emphasise your deep-rooted connections to your homeland. This approach will help alleviate any potential doubts regarding your true motives for seeking an education overseas.
Meet Health and Security Requirements  To smooth your visa application journey, make sure you tick all the health and security boxes set by the authorities. This might involve gathering medical certificates or police clearances, depending on their requirements.

How To Re-apply For Canada Student Visa After Refusal? 

Feeling discouraged after your Canadian student visa application was rejected? Don’t give up! Here’s how to craft a stronger application for the next try.

  • Understanding the ‘NO’ – Take a close look at the rejection letter and any notes from immigration (GCMS notes) to understand why your application wasn’t approved. It could be because you didn’t show enough proof of English or French language skills, your finances seem shaky, or there were missing documents in your application.
  • Don’t let language skills hold you back – If you’ve ever been passed over for an opportunity because your communication skills weren’t quite there, you have options. Take a language course, hire a patient tutor, or get into some online learning to improve your abilities and open doors you might have missed before.
  • Write a knockout Statement of Purpose (SOP) – Create a persuasive document that showcases your authentic desire to pursue your studies in Canada. Explore the motivations for choosing this vibrant nation, and illuminate your vision for the future after you graduate.
  • Identify and Rectify Mistakes – Take a close look at your application. Did you miss any typos or forget to include something important? Fixing these mistakes could be the key to getting your application approved this time around.
  • Focusing on Home and Family Connections – A strong connection to one’s home country is a major factor in many applications. This can be demonstrated through close family ties, ownership of property, and a clear plan to return after completing studies. Such actions highlight a long-term commitment to the home country.

Not sold on giving up the dream of studying abroad? The USA beckons with a kaleidoscope of educational options! If Canada doesn’t work out for you, try to apply for a student visa USA and get hold of a world of diverse learning experiences.

Make sure your finances are sorted away and you have got all the paperwork together. Take a close look at the application instructions. Don’t forget to submit everything they ask for, from forms to fees. Deadlines are crucial, so keep an eye on the calendar. Finally, stay upbeat and keep at it! Persistence is key.

Comparison Of Student Visa Canada With Other Countries

CountryTypeValidityEligibility CriteriaRequirementsAdditional Information
CanadaStudy Permit, not a visa.Throughout the educational programme duration.Enrolment at an educational institution, sufficient funds, good health, and English proficiency.       Offer letter, valid passport, proof of funds, medical examination, English proficiency test, statement of purpose, and other supporting documents.Allows part-time employment, no criminal record, and a grace period of 90 days after programme completion.
New ZealandTo qualify, you’ll need to deposit enough money to cover your living expenses for a whole year into a special account called an FTS accountAllows monthly withdrawals for living expenses.       Financial pre-conditions, payment of annual tuition fees, and good health.       Offer letter, valid passport, proof of funds, medical examination, English proficiency test, and other necessary documents.Withdrawal of living expenses from FTS account, specific PTE score requirements for visa application.
IrelandStudy visa with post-study job search visa options.Post-study job search visa for 12-24 months based on degree level.Completion of recognised degrees at specific levels, job search opportunities post-study.Proof of funds for each year of study, course fee payment, post-study job search visa eligibility.Job opportunities post-Brexit, specific visa fee, travel costs, and top universities with varying costs of education.


1. Any Possibilities Of Facing Rejection Of Canada Student Visa In 2024?

Getting a Canadian student visa for 2024 might be a bit of a climb, but in case you put the work in to put together your application perfectly, you will be much more likely to overcome that mountain!

2. Are There Difficulties Getting A Student Visa To Study In Canada?

Getting a Canadian student visa can feel like wrangling a runaway caribou – a wild and unpredictable process. But fear not! With the necessary documents and careful attention to detail, you can turn your dream of study in Canada into a sure thing.

3. Are The Requirements Less Strict For Global Students These Days?

Canada has thrown open its doors to international students. This newfound focus on attracting international minds is turning a Canadian education from a far-off dream into a real possibility for ambitious students everywhere.

4. Is There Any Way To Improve My Application And Try Again For That Study Permit?

That last application might not have gone your way, but don’t let it dampen your spirits! This time around, you can ace your study permit application. Focus on the areas that need improvement. Make sure you tick every box on the requirements list and be ready to provide any additional documents they might ask for.

5. Is Age A Hurdle For Snagging A Canadian Student Visa?

Don’t worry about your age being a roadblock to your Canadian study dreams! The key is to tick all the boxes on the application checklist. Show them you’re truly invested in getting an education in Canada.

6. Once My Student Visa Gets Rejected, Can I Reapply?

Don’t surrender! If your application wasn’t a success this time round, you could absolutely have another move at it. The key is to apprehend why it wasn’t authorised inside the first place.

1 thought on “Top PGDM Courses In Canada: Universities, Specialisations & Eligibility”

  1. I have done Bachelor’s in Culinary Arts from India and completed my graduation in the year 2022 .I am 22 years old. After graduation, I have done 1 year paid internship from USA .Now, I would like to take occupational experience and learn culinary skills and also do masters in Culinary arts.How can I find the college n best course / country where I can persue studying further

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Canada Student Visa Rejection Rate & Success Rate – 2024

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