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LSAT Exam 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to Structure, Tips & Practice!

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the most important test you will be taking as a law student. For students who wish to study Law in the USA, Canada or any of the European countries, cracking LSAT is an unavoidable part of the admission process. It is because this test is so common and important that you will find a number of study guides for the LSAT exam. 

This comprehensive LSAT exam guide will walk you through the different sections of the test, the countries that accept it and tips on how you can prepare for this Law admissions exam. 

Before we dive into the nitty gritties of the LSAT exam, let us first understand the things you need to consider before appearing for this test. 

Things To Consider Before Taking The LSAT Exam 

How Many Times Can I Appear For The LSAT? 

The LSAT test can be given three times in a single year and the testing calendar for the year 2021 – 2022 started from August 2021 and will end in June 2022. Moreover, Five times within the current and five past testing years (the period in which LSAC reports scores to law schools). All in all, a candidate can only appear for the LSAT 7 times in their lifetime. 

How Do I Know If I’m Ineligible For LSAT? 

You may not take the LSAT or the LSAT-Flex after serving as a test administrator for the LSAT or the LSAT-Flex in the following 24-month period. If you plan to take the LSAT within 24 months after either supervising or proctoring an LSAT or LSAT-Flex administration, and/or working as part of the testing team at an LSAT or LSAT-Flex administration, you must let us know when you register.

Where Can I Give The LSAT Test? 

You can give the LSAT exam in any of the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) approved testing centres across the United States and other international jurisdictions. Each testing site has a limited number of seats, so students are encouraged to register early to assure a spot. The LSAC publishes a list of approved exam facilities as well as test dates.

How Will I Be Scored On The LSAT Exam? 

Students are marked on the LSAT test in three ways and they are as follows: 

Raw: The number of questions a test taker answered correctly is represented by this number. A raw score of 91/100, for example, indicates that the test taker answered 91 questions correctly.

Scaled: This score converts the raw score into a scaled form and measures it based on the lowest possible score which is 120 and highest possible score, 180. 

Percentile: In percentage form, this represents the test taker’s score in relation to other examinees. A score of 165, for example, is in the 91st percentile, which implies the test taker is in the top 9% of all test takers for that LSAT.

Which Colleges Require The LSAT Test Scores? 

All Law schools that are accredited by the American Bar Association (ABA). However, in the year 2014, the ABA announced that institutions can admit up to 10% of its cohort without LSAT. In percentage form, this represents the test taker’s score in relation to other examinees. A score of 165, for example, is in the 91st percentile, which implies the test taker is in the top 9% of all test takers for that LSAT.

Now that you have understood the most important things to consider before you start studying for LSAT, let us map out the format of the test and help you strategize your LSAT study journey. 

Comprehensive Format of the LSAT Exam 

The LSAT Test is divided into the following sections: 

Section 1: Logical Reasoning   

Short text passages are used to assess students’ abilities to identify areas of contention, apply critical thinking to abstract concepts, locate significant material within a passage, and critically evaluate and analyse an argument. 

Section division: 

This is a multiple choice divided into 2 sections where the candidate is asked to short text passages that are used to assess students’ abilities to identify areas of contention, apply critical thinking to abstract concepts, locate significant material within a passage, and critically evaluate and analyse an argument. 35 minutes is allocated for each section and there are 25 questions per section. 

Section 2: Analytical Reasoning

This section may be perceived as one of the most interesting parts of the entire test because it consists of 4 sets of logical games with 5 to 6 associated questions. The capacity to discern linkages between ideas, understand how rules affect outcomes and decisions, assess circumstances based on particular standards, and apply reasoning to complicated scenarios is tested. 

Section Division: 

This part consists of only one section with 23 to 24 questions. A scenario and a set of rules known as constraints are the foundations of any logic game. There are several sorts of logic games (ordering, assignment, and grouping), each of which requires candidates to classify the game type in order to sketch a response to the question. You will be given only 35 minutes to complete this section.

Section 3: Reading Comprehension 

This section consists of 4 passages with 5 to 8 questions per passage. The first three sets are long single sections, whereas the fourth set is a shorter piece. The capacity to read and comprehend, recognise important points or ideas, decode relevant information, and make analytical inferences from a book is assessed. 

Section Division: 

This section consists of multiple choice questions that cover a wide range of topics, from social sciences to the humanities, with complex and sophisticated rhetorical structures and arguments. The candidate’s comparison reading abilities in detecting and building links between two texts are tested in a shorter section. There are 35 mins allotted to this section. 

Section 4: Unscored Section 

 This is also commonly known as the experimental section on the LSAT and may consist of questions from the previous section. The main reason for this section is to pre-test new questions for future LSAT exams. 

Section Division: 

There is only one part of this section divided into 24 to 28 parts. All questions are multiple choice and you are given 35 minutes to solve the unscored section. 

Section 5: Writing Sample 

This is one of the most critical sections of the LSAT exam. Typically included at the end of the LSAT test, this section requires the students to write an essay on an assigned topic. Students make a decision based on two opposing viewpoints on a certain subject. They must create a response based on the criteria and data presented. There is no right or wrong answer, and candidates are judged on their ability to justify their decisions via writing.

Section Division: 

This is a one part question and you will be given 35 mins to complete the essay. 


1) Who are eligible for the LSAT exam?

The candidate for the LSAT exam must have passed their 10+2 exam or an equivalent exam from a recognized board. Different colleges have different qualifying exam cut-off scores. The majority of colleges that accept LSAT scores require 45% on the LSAT application form.

2) Is LSAT a hard exam?

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is in fact very challenging. It is intended to forecast how well the most talented students will perform in law school. The LSAT is manageable with the right approach.  A smart study plan combined with a strong commitment to sticking to that plan will help you achieve your goal score. Taking the LSAT under test conditions is the ideal way to master the required skills for a high score.

3) What is the LSAT exam used for?

LSAT stands for Law School Admission Test, and it is a standard part of the law school admission process in the United States for prospective law undergraduate students. To be admitted to law school, you must first complete your undergraduate degree. The LSAT assesses candidates’ reading comprehension, logical and verbal reasoning abilities, and knowledge.

4) How much does the LSAT cost?

The LSAT is the same price for first-time and repeat test takers. LSAT registration costs $215 for the August 2024-June 2025 testing years.

5) How long should I study for the LSAT?

A three-month preparation period (approximately 20 hours per week) is an excellent goal for most students. This is, of course, an estimate. We recommend taking a practice LSAT to determine how much LSAT prep time you’ll need.

6) What is a good LSAT score?

The primary consideration for admission to law school is your LSAT score. Depending on the law schools you are considering, a “good” LSAT score may vary. A score of 160 or higher is considered a good LSAT score. 

Thanks for reading this blog on LSAT Exam Study Guide: Fresh For The Year 2025. If you are interested in learning more about how you can pursue your higher education, the following should be of interest to you: 

1 thought on “Top PGDM Courses In Canada: Universities, Specialisations & Eligibility”

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LSAT Exam 2025: Your Ultimate Guide to Structure, Tips & Practice!

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