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Top 13 International Grading System For Students

International Grading Systems

Most universities and colleges worldwide use a variation of a university grading system scale ranging from 0 to 100, a letter grade from A to F, or a percentage from 0 to 10. For example, The United Kingdom’s scale of the university uses a first-class mark, the United States uses letters, and the Swiss and Germans use numbers from 1 to 6. Let’s dive deep into this system to have a better understanding.

What Are The Different Types Of Grading Systems?

Several distinct grading systems meet international standards. There are seven distinct categories:

  1. Grading Percentage– from 0 to 100 %.
  2. Variations and Letter Grading  – Grade A to Grade F.
  3. Standard-referenced Grading – Standardised evaluation of students by comparing them with assigned letter grades.
  4. Grading students as “masters” or “passers” until they attain a set standard of proficiency. 
  5. Common Scale of the University– Pass or Fail 
  6. Absolute Standards of Grading (Rating of Expectations) – The evaluation of student success in relation to a predetermined level of performance.
  7. Narrative Grading – Reporting on learners’ progress

US University Grading System

When contemplating studying in a different country, most people immediately think of the United States. 

  • Not many people realise that the minus and plus signs next to an A, B, C, etc., also factor into the final grade in the US university grading system, which has traditionally relied on GPAs and letters disguised as grades. 
  • By dividing the entire number of grade points by the total number of credit hours, the GPA can be between 0.0 and 4.0. 

Let us look at the chart featuring the American scale of the university grading system to understand it better.

Letter GradeGPAPercentage
F0.0Below 60

UK Grading System

The UK ranking scheme is one of the world’s most powerful systems. The scale of the university in the UK is universally accepted. 

In the UK, your final overall result is calculated after completing your coursework and assessments.

First-class honours at graduation are rare and prestigious, but second-class honours are the norm and yet well appreciated. The following table provides a detailed analysis of the evaluation criteria: 

GradePercentageGrade DefinitionHonours DegreeFoundation Degree
A70% – 100%Excellent to OutstandingFirstDistinction
B60% – 69%Good to Very GoodUpper Second (2:1)Merit
C50% – 59%SatisfyingLower Second (2:2)Pass
D40% – 49%SufficientThird 3Pass
E30% – 39%UnsatisfactoryFailFail
F0 – 29%UnsatisfactoryFailFail

Ireland Grading System

In Ireland, the scale of the university varies by institution and specific programme in higher education. Each university has its own grading system, allowing for distinct evaluations. However, a minimum passing percentage of 40% is standard across all courses.

International GradeIndian Equivalent
70% – 100%A
66% – 69%A-
62% – 65%B+
50% – 61%B
45% – 49%B-
40% – 44%C
0% – 39%F

New Zealand Grading System

In New Zealand, the scale of the university varies slightly between institutions but usually follow a letter system with A+ as the highest grade and F as the lowest. The scale includes A+, A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, and C, with C being the minimum passing grade equivalent to 50% or slightly above. Failing grades are D, E, and F and a Q is given for failing to meet mandatory course requirements (though this may differ between universities).

International GradeIndian Equivalent
A+, A, A-/80 – 100%A
B+, B, B-/65 – 79%B
C+, C, C-/50 – 64%C
D/40 – 49%F
E/ 0 – 39%F

Australia Grading System

Australia, like Canada, has a regionally distinct grading system. While local grading systems vary, the most frequent kind of assessment shares commonalities across countries. 

Let’s check out the most popular method used down under.

GradeScaleScale 2DescriptionDivisionUS Grade
HD7.0083.00 – 100.00High Distinction (A+)A+A+
D6.00 – 6.9973.00 – 82.99Distinction (A)Second Class, Upper DivisionA
C5.00 – 5.9963.00 – 72.99Credit (B)Second Lower DivisionB
P4.00 – 4.9950.00 – 62.99Pass (C)Pass (C)Third ClassC
N0.00 – 3.990.00 – 49.99FailF

In addition to the grading mentioned above scales, you may also see other types of grades in university, such as 

  • NGP (Non-Graded Pass): for when a qualitative rather than quantitative grade is desired; 
  • NGF (Non-Graded Fail): for when a qualitative rather than quantitative grade is desired; 
  • F1 (Pass Conceded): if your grade is between 53% and 55%. 

Canada Grading System

Canada has one of the most unique grading systems, and it differs by province or territory. Therefore, finding the province or territory you wish to study in is an important first step before making any study plans. Depending on the university’s location, it uses both a letter grade system and a numerical grade system. 

Each province or territory in Canada can implement its evaluation method. University grades in Canada range from A+ to F, or from 9.00 to 1.00, on either a numeric or letter scale. 

Check out these tables to see how various Canadian provinces and territories grade applicants:

British Columbia

GradePercentage (%)
I(Incomplete assignments) 0-49
WThe student dropped out of class during the semester.
PDespite eligibility, the student’s grades are currently unavailable.


GPADescriptionEquivalent Letter Grade
3.5Very GoodB+


Letter GradeGrade PointsApproximate Percentage

France Grading System

Typically, the highest grades given by French professors are around 14 or 15. Grades of 9 or 10 are considered satisfactory. Students focus on passing a course rather than achieving high marks. French students need an overall average of 10/20 to pass the year. International students might have a bit more leniency in this area. ISEP-France generally considers an 8 as a passing grade for ISEP students.

International GradeGrade DescriptionIndian Equivalent
18.00 – 20.00Highly Honorable with Praise (Très Honorable avec Felicitations du Jury)A+
16.00 – 17.99Very Good – Highest Honours (Très Bein)A
14.00 – 15.99Good – High Honours (Bien)A-
12.00 – 13.99Fairly Good – Honours (Assez Bien)B
10.00 – 11.99Satisfactory (Passable) C – D
0.00 – 9.99Fail (Échec)F

Germany Grading System

There is no equivalent to a “D” grade in the US system. In India, a 3.0 or above is typically seen as an A or B average. Scores between 4.1 and 4.9 indicate good academic standing. Registrars should consider credit and contact hours to assess the credit received. 

International GradeIndian Equivalent
1 – 1.5A
1.6 – 2.5A/B
2.6 – 3.5B
3.6 – 4.9C
5.0 – 6.0F
In Germany, grades are typically categorised as follows: “sehr gut” (very good) for grades from 1.0 to 1.5, “gut” (good) for grades from 1.6 to 2.5, “befriedigend” (satisfactory) for grades from 2.6 to 3.5, and “ausreichend” (sufficient) for grades from 3.6 to 4.0.

Netherlands Grading System

In the Netherlands, grades range from 1 to 10, with 1 representing the lowest possible grade and 10 the highest. 

Grade Percentage

**Note** – A grade of 8 or higher is similar to a 4.0 in most American countries because grades of 9 and 10 are rarely given in the Netherlands.

These scholastic marks have a corresponding percentage value at the university level:

  • 1 means 0-5% correct 
  • 2 means 5-15% correct 
  • 3 means 15-25% correct 
  • 10 means 95-100% correct 

Additional decimals could be used (7.5 or 9.49) or fractions, like + or -, which means a quarter.

Extra decimals (7.5 or 9.49) or fractions (+ or -), each representing a quarter, could also be used.

  • The cutoff for passing is 5.5 (5.4 is failing). 
  • 6 if you don’t round up (5 is Fail)

Italy Grading System

The Italian grading system spans from 18/30 to 30/30, with the highest mark, 30/30, being awarded with distinction. Scores below 18/30 are considered failing and are not recorded on the final transcript.

International GradeIndian Equivalent
29 – 30 (Excellent)A
27 – 28 (Very good)B
24 – 26 (Good)C
18 – 23 (Satisfactory)D
>18 (Not passed) F
In the Italian grading system, students are evaluated on a scale from 0 to 30, with 18 as the minimum passing mark. A cum laude can be added to the highest grade (30 e lode) for special distinction. The lowest passing grade is 18, and grades from 18 to 30 are all utilised.

Spain Grading System

Spain likewise uses a 1-10 scale for its grading system. However, instead of a percentage, a German term has been associated with each of the numbers.

NumberSpanish Word & Its Meaning
0-4.9Suspenso (Fail)
5-6.9Aprobado  (Approved / Pass)
7-8.9Notable (Good / Remarkable)
9-9.9Sobresaliente (Outstanding) 
10Matrícula de Honor ( Honorary)

The University grading system in Spain utilises a 10-point scale that can be expressed as a percentage. These academic marks can be used to determine a final class standing. Here are a few examples:

University GradesDescription in SpanishGrade Conversion
10 with distinctionMatrícula de Honor4
9 – 10Sobresaliente3
7 – 8.9Notable2
5 – 6.9Aprobado1
0 – 4.9Suspenso0

China Grading System

China’s grading system differs by educational level (high school and college/university) and sometimes by region or institution. However, there is a widely recognised common structure throughout the country. Here’s a summary of the main grade scales used in China, with comparable English terms, equivalent percentage ranges, and approximate GPA equivalents used in India.

International GradeIndian Equivalent
90 – 100A
80 – 89B
70 – 79C
60 – 69D
Under 60F

South Korean Grading System

In South Korea, the scale of the university employs a combination of percentages and letter grades. The following table provides a comprehensive overview of this system: 

Percentage ObtainedGrades
95% – 100%A+
90% – 95%A
85% – 90%B+
80% – 85%B
75% – 80%C+
70% – 75%C
65% – 70%D+
60% – 65%D
Below 60%Fail

Features Of A Good Grading System 

The following is a list of characteristics that can assist us in determining which types of university grading system have the potential to be regarded as “good.”

  1. Students, parents, and educators benefit from an open, transparent grading system.
  2. A good grading system provides uniformity and fairness in evaluating student performance, just as in any other aspect of life.
  3. For the system to be fair, it must be able to identify which students have unique needs or are struggling academically.
  4. Parents and teachers can determine whether students require learning or behavioural support using a good grading system, which measures academic progress separately from character traits and behaviours.
  5. Grading systems that are effective don’t demotivate students. Instead, they enable them to understand their aptitudes, and they can excel in both academics and the real world.

Pros And Cons Of Grading Systems

The grading system groups students who score within a broad range into the same category. While some see this as beneficial, others view it as a drawback. Let’s explore the pros and cons of grading systems in the table below:

Pros of the Grading SystemCons of the Grading System
Provides a benchmark for student progressCan create competition and anxiety among students
Helps identify students who need extra helpGrades don’t always reflect true understanding (e.g., creativity, problem-solving)
A standardised system for comparing students across institutionsCan discourage exploration and risk-taking in favor of getting good grades
Motivates students to achieve goalsCan lead to a focus on grades over actual learning
Provides feedback on student performanceMay not be sensitive to individual learning styles
Communicates expectations to students and parentsCan cause stress and lower self-esteem for students who struggle

Before taking up higher education at an overseas university, it’s important to understand the courses and university grading system. After that, you must prepare documents such as a statement of purpose [SOP] and meet the requirements for admission. Many students give up midway through the application process since it requires dedication and guidance. Once you familiarise yourself with the university grading system, you can make informed decisions about your education and work towards achieving your desired grades.


What is ABCD in grading?

A+, A, A- indicate excellent performance. B+, B, B- indicates good performance. C+, C, C- indicates satisfactory performance. D+, D, D- indicates less than satisfactory performance.

What grade is 70% in the UK?

First-Class Honours – 70% and above; Upper Second-Class Honours – 60-70%; Lower Second-Class Honours – 50-60%.

What grading system does the US use?

In the United States, academic grading commonly takes on the form of five, six or seven-letter grades. Traditionally, the grades are A+, A, A−, B+, B, B−, C+, C, C−, D+, D, D− and F, with A+ being the highest and F being the lowest. 

What is the most common grading system?

There are different types of grading systems used in education, and the most common ones include point-based letter grades and percentage-based grading systems. 

What is the most common grade to get?

A grade is now the most common grade given in colleges and universities 

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1 thought on “Top PGDM Courses In Canada: Universities, Specialisations & Eligibility”

  1. I have done Bachelor’s in Culinary Arts from India and completed my graduation in the year 2022 .I am 22 years old. After graduation, I have done 1 year paid internship from USA .Now, I would like to take occupational experience and learn culinary skills and also do masters in Culinary arts.How can I find the college n best course / country where I can persue studying further

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International Grading Systems

Top 13 International Grading System For Students

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