Our Primary Postgraduate Certificate in Education is based on a partnership between us and schools within the region. It is a high-quality programme of professional education, leading to qualified teacher status (QTS) and Master’s level credits. Our course aims to develop you into a highly reflective practitioner, able to adapt and respond to changes in settings and national educational contexts, and able to take responsibility for your ongoing professional development in preparation for future leadership.
From us, you can expect a taught course which will prepare you for the realities and rigours of teaching a broad curriculum fit for the 21st century. You will also have access to excellent personal, academic and pastoral support. From our partner schools, you can expect a programme of mentor support and professional training and development, which will complement the University-based elements of the course, and which will support your development of classroom practice.
Core modules
Professional Enquiry
This module is concerned with pedagogy – the method and practice of teaching. It addresses central issues such as, teaching methods, how children learn, meeting individual needs, assessment, adaptative teaching and behaviour management.
Subject Studies
This module is concerned with ensuring that you are able to teach children English, Mathematics and Science as well as all of the foundation subjects. It will develop your subject knowledge as well as provide you with a wealth of teaching approaches and activities for each subject.
Professional Practice
This module includes both taught content and school placements, and is underpinned by professional enquiry.
Optional modules
There are no optional modules for this course.