In collaboration with the Mathematics Institute, the Department of Statistics has created the Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Mathematics and Statistics.
Unlike many CDTs, this is not dedicated to a single topic, but covers the range of research interests of both departments. Our vision is to create a thorough training environment in mathematical sciences, spanning theoretical, methodological, and applied areas.
The CDT environment provides common training to a cohort of PhD students across the mathematical sciences in addition to the specialised work of the PhD project under the supervision of individual faculty members. CDT students choose their supervisor and research topic during the first year of the programme. Both Departments have separate dedicated training programmes in the first year, designed to optimally prepare you for your PhD project work. PhD training that is not via the CDT and where the student works with a nominated supervisor from day one is available only in cases where this training scheme is required by the student’s funding source.
Applicants to the CDT do not need a detailed research proposal. However, it will help to indicate your areas of interest. Applicants who require funding from one of the University's scholarship schemes must develop a research proposal in close collaboration with a potential supervisor and are strongly encouraged to contact the department well before applying.
Our research
Warwick Statistics Department is one of the largest and most energetic research environments in the UK. It boasts many internationally recognised researchers eager to engage new bright students and collaborators so that they can contribute to their programmes of investigation.