Why you should study this course
The video games market will more than double to become a $300bn-plus industry by 2025, according to GlobalData, constantly challenging the capabilities of consumer-grade hardware and charting the evolution of that hardware. All of this is made possible by talented programmers with a passion for the games they create. This course has been designed to equip people who can bring that enthusiasm to their studies, with the tools to succeed in a fast-paced and ever-changing industry.
- The technology, practices and challenges involved in game development are continually evolving, therefore the course content reacts dynamically to reflect the complexities of this modern and increasingly interconnected sector.
- The course aims to empower you with the fundamental capabilities needed to pursue independent game development, as well as giving you the opportunity to gain professional tools and wider contextual understanding of game engineering upon successful completion, to succeed in larger studios.
- The course team recognises the ever-changing nature of games technology, including the emergence of new and disruptive technologies, policy design processes and the impact of ethical debate upon the sector. As a result, the Games Technology BSc (Hons) course strongly relies on research-led teaching, industrial engagement and international perspectives which aims to teach you how to analyse these topics in contemporary and relevant settings.
What you'll study
The successful completion of this degree will enable you to program and develop the latest games and interactive applications, understand games hardware and programming techniques, as well as develop entertaining games content.
Year one
The first year lays the foundation for the study of computer science, which is essential to computer games and interactive media programming. It also gives you the opportunity to build your portfolio of skills and software development.
Programming for Game Development - 20 credits
Software Design - 20 credits
Mathematics for Game Development - 20 credits
Game Development Activity-Led Learning 1
Computer Architecture and Networks - 20 credits
Object Oriented Programming - 20 credits
Social, Ethical and Legal Issues in Game Design - 10 credits
Game Development Activity-Led Learning 2
Add+vantage - 10 credits
Year two
By Year 2 you should have developed the core programming and technical skills which are the foundations of game development in Year 1. You will proceed to explore the various technologies which underpin game engines, while having the opportunity to consolidate your skills as a programmer. You will have the chance to continue to develop your portfolio and transferrable skills.
Physics for Game Development - 20 credits
Graphics Programming for Interactive Simulations - 20 credits
3D Modelling - 20 credits
Emerging Technologies for Interactive Simulations - 10 credits
Artificial Intelligence for Game Development - 20 credits
Live Project - 20 credits
Add+vantage - 10 credits
Final year
In your final year, you will consolidate your studies with exploration of middleware integration and brownfield development, the cornerstones of any programming career but especially applicable to game development. You will have the option to study GPU/Heterogeneous computing, or to focus more on designing for user experience.
In addition, you will have the chance to undertake an individual research project, which provides you with the opportunity to bring the skills you should have learnt to bear on a problem or issue which is important to you and relevant to your studies. Again, the focus of your work is on trying to develop your skills and portfolio.
Computing Project Preparation - 10 credits
Understanding Commercial Game Engines - 20 credits
3D Rendering and Animation - 20 credits
Advanced Programming for Game Development - 20 credits
Individual Project - 20 credits
Add+vantage - 10 credits
Advanced GPU Programming - 20 credits
User Experience Design - 20 credits