Programme structure
In your first year, you and your classmates will begin to explore and understand your moving bodies, and the choreographic and general creative processes related to dance. You will increase your dance vocabulary and investigate the different ways dance can be taught and learned.
In second year and beyond, you’ll continue to strengthen your personal choreographic style and performance skills. You’ll visit different community groups and develop your teaching and leadership abilities. You’ll learn more about improvisation, technology and professional practices. You’ll develop your business skills and have the chance to research personal areas of interest. In your second year, you can enrol in two General Education courses which give you the chance to supplement your studies in subject areas of your choice.
Elective courses: During the BDanceSt programme, you will need to take two 15-point Dance electives. Along with these two Dance electives, you can take up to 30 points from courses available for any other bachelors degree at this University.
Sample programme structure
Year 1 120 points
Code:DANCE 120
Name:Dance Vocabulary I
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 131
Name:Dance Education
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:MĀORI 190
Name:Kapa Haka 1
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:PACIFIC 110
Name:Pacific Music and Dance
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 107
Name:Dance History and Contexts
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 110
Name:Contemporary Dance and Choreography 1
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 112
Name:Dance Kinesiology
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Name:Dance Elective Course
Type:Elective taught courses Points:15 pts
Year 2 120 points
Code:DANCE 220
Name:Dance Vocabulary II
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 231
Name:Community Dance
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Name:Dance Elective Course
Type:Elective taught courses Points:15 pts
Name:General Education
Type:General Education course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 210
Name:Contemporary Dance and Choreography 2
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 212
Name:New Zealand Dance Contexts and History
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 222
Name:Safe Dance Practices
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Name:General Education
Type:General Education course Points:15 pts
Year 3 120 points
Code:DANCE 314
Name:Dance and Technology
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 320
Name:Dance Vocabulary III
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 322
Name:Professional Practices
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Name:Elective Course
Type:Elective taught courses Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 302
Name:Dance in Aotearoa/New Zealand
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 310
Name:Contemporary Dance and Choreography 3
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Code:DANCE 331
Name:Dance Education Research
Type:Compulsory core course Points:15 pts
Name:Elective Course
Type:Elective taught courses Points:15 pts