By pursuing a Mathematics degree from UBC, you’ll acquire powerful tools for solving practical problems in a highly creative environment that demands logic, precision, intuition, and imagination. The curriculum emphasizes powerful and versatile modes of thought including abstraction, critical thinking, and logical analysis.
You can select a concentration in Applied Mathematics, Pure Mathematics, or Statistics. Graduates of the Mathematics program are prepared for direct entry into careers in actuarial science, government, or finance. Many graduates go on to graduate studies, professional secondary teaching programs, or other professional programs.
Year 1
MATH 100 - Differential Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering
MATH 101 - Integral Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering
COSC 111 - Computer Programming I
COSC 121 - Computer Programming II
CHEM 111 - Principles of Chemistry I
Year 2
MATH 200 - Calculus III
MATH 220 - Mathematical Proof
STAT 230 - Introductory Statistics
MATH 225 - Introduction to Differential Equations
COSC 221 - Introduction to Discrete Structures
Year 3
MATH 307 - Applied Linear Algebra
MATH 311 - Abstract Algebra I
MATH 319 - Introduction to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 327 - Analysis I
STAT 303 - Introduction to Probability
Year 4
MATH 459 - Mathematical Biology
MATH 442 - Optimization in Graphs and Networks
DATA 407 - Sampling and Design
STAT 401 - Probability and Statistical Inference
MATH 461 - Continuous Optimization