Program Prerequisites
Students may complete this program with a minimum of 65 or a maximum of 67 credits.
Students complete one of MATH 139, MATH 140 OR MATH 150.
Students complete one of either MATH 141 OR MATH 151.
Students complete one of either PHYS 101 OR PHYS 131.
Students complete one of either PHYS 102 OR PHYS 142.
BIOL 112 Cell and Molecular Biology (3 credits)
CHEM 110 General Chemistry 1 (4 credits)
CHEM 120 General Chemistry 2 (4 credits)
MATH 139 Calculus 1 with Precalculus (4 credits) *
MATH 140 Calculus 1 (3 credits) *
MATH 141 Calculus 2 (4 credits) **
MATH 150 Calculus A (4 credits) *
MATH 151 Calculus B (4 credits) **
PHYS 101 Introductory Physics - Mechanics (4 credits) ***
PHYS 102 Introductory Physics - Electromagnetism (4 credits) +++
PHYS 131 Mechanics and Waves (4 credits) ***
PHYS 142 Electromagnetism and Optics (4 credits) +++
Core Required Courses (20 credits)
BIOL 200 Molecular Biology (3 credits)
CHEM 212 Introductory Organic Chemistry 1 (4 credits)
NSCI 200 Introduction to Neuroscience 1 (3 credits)
NSCI 201 Introduction to Neuroscience 2 (3 credits)
NSCI 300 Neuroethics (3 credits)
NSCI 400D1 Neuroscience Seminar (0.5 credits)
NSCI 400D2 Neuroscience Seminar (0.5 credits)
PSYC 311 Human Cognition and the Brain (3 credits)
Complementary Courses (45-47 credits)
3 credits from:
BIOL 373 Biometry (3 credits)
MATH 324 Statistics (3 credits)
PSYC 305 Statistics for Experimental Design (3 credits)
3 credits from:
3 credits from:
Streams (15 credits selected from one of the following streams):
A. Cell and Molecular Stream (9 credits as follows):
BIOC 311 Metabolic Biochemistry (3 credits)
BIOL 202 Basic Genetics (3 credits)
PHGY 311 Channels, Synapses and Hormones (3 credits)
3 credits from:
3 credits from:
B. Neurophysiology/Neural Computation Stream (3 credits as follows):
3 credits as follows:
3 credits from:
6 credits from:
ANAT 321 Circuitry of the Human Brain (3 credits)
BIOL 309 Mathematical Models in Biology (3 credits)
COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems (3 credits) **
COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits)
MATH 222 Calculus 3 (3 credits)
MATH 223 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
C. Cognitive/Behavioural Stream (6 credits as follows):
3 credits from:
6 credits from:
ANAT 321 Circuitry of the Human Brain (3 credits)
PSYC 302 The Psychology of Pain (3 credits)
PSYC 317 Genes and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 342 Hormones and Behaviour (3 credits)
Other Complementary Courses (21-23 credits chosen as follows):
3-16 credits from:
BIOL 301 Cell and Molecular Laboratory (4 credits)
BIOL 389 Laboratory in Neurobiology (3 credits)
NSCI 410D1 Independent Research 1 (3 credits)
NSCI 410D2 Independent Research 1 (3 credits)
NSCI 420D1 Independent Research 2 (4.5 credits)
NSCI 420D2 Independent Research 2 (4.5 credits)
5-20 of the credits should be taken from the following lists. At least 15 of the 21-23 credits must be at the 400- or 500-level, which could include the above NSCI 410D1/NSCID2 or NSCI 420D1/NSCI 420D2 research courses:
200- and 300-level courses:
Students take either BIOL 201 OR BIOC 212, but not both.
Students take either COMP 206 or COMP 250, but not both.
ANAT 321 Circuitry of the Human Brain (3 credits)
BIOC 212 Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Function (3 credits) *
BIOC 311 Metabolic Biochemistry (3 credits)
BIOL 201 Cell Biology and Metabolism (3 credits) *
BIOL 202 Basic Genetics (3 credits)
BIOL 300 Molecular Biology of the Gene (3 credits)
BIOL 306 Neural Basis of Behaviour (3 credits)
BIOL 307 Behavioural Ecology (3 credits)
BIOL 320 Evolution of Brain and Behaviour (3 credits)
CHEM 222 Introductory Organic Chemistry 2 (4 credits)
COMP 206 Introduction to Software Systems (3 credits) **
COMP 250 Introduction to Computer Science (3 credits) **
MATH 223 Linear Algebra (3 credits)
MATH 315 Ordinary Differential Equations (3 credits)
MATH 323 Probability (3 credits)
MATH 324 Statistics (3 credits)
MIMM 214 Introductory Immunology: Elements of Immunity (3 credits)
MIMM 314 Intermediate Immunology (3 credits)
NEUR 310 Cellular Neurobiology (3 credits)
PHAR 300 Drug Action (3 credits)
PHGY 210 Mammalian Physiology 2 (3 credits)
PHGY 311 Channels, Synapses and Hormones (3 credits)
PHGY 314 Integrative Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 213 Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 302 The Psychology of Pain (3 credits)
PSYC 315 Computational Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 317 Genes and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 318 Behavioural Neuroscience 2 (3 credits)
PSYC 319 Computational Models - Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 342 Hormones and Behaviour (3 credits)
400- and 500-level courses:
BIOL 414 Invertebrate Brain Circuits and Behaviours (3 credits)
BIOL 506 Neurobiology of Learning (3 credits)
BIOL 530 Advances in Neuroethology (3 credits)
BIOL 532 Developmental Neurobiology Seminar (3 credits)
BIOL 580 Genetic Approaches to Neural Systems (3 credits)
BIOL 588 Advances in Molecular/Cellular Neurobiology (3 credits)
BMDE 519 Biomedical Signals and Systems (3 credits)
COMP 546 Computational Perception (4 credits)
MATH 437 Mathematical Methods in Biology (3 credits)
MIMM 414 Advanced Immunology (3 credits)
MIMM 509 Inflammatory Processes (3 credits)
NEUR 502 Basic and Clinical Aspects of Neuroimmunology (3 credits)
NEUR 503 Computational Neuroscience (3 credits)
NEUR 507 Topics in Radionuclide Imaging (3 credits)
NEUR 550 Free Radical Biomedicine (3 credits)
PHAR 562 Neuropharmacology (3 credits)
PHGY 425 Analyzing Physiological Systems (3 credits)
PHGY 451 Advanced Neurophysiology (3 credits)
PHGY 513 Translational Immunology (3 credits)
PHGY 520 Ion Channels (3 credits)
PHGY 524 Chronobiology (3 credits)
PHGY 556 Topics in Systems Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 410 Special Topics in Neuropsychology (3 credits)
PSYC 427 Sensorimotor Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 433 Cognitive Science (3 credits)
PSYC 443 Affective Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 444 Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 470 Memory and Brain (3 credits)
PSYC 502 Psychoneuroendocrinology (3 credits)
PSYC 506 Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention (3 credits)
PSYC 513 Human Decision-Making (3 credits)
PSYC 514 Neurobiology of Memory (3 credits)
PSYC 522 Neurochemistry and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 526 Advances in Visual Perception (3 credits)
PSYC 529 Music Cognition (3 credits)
PSYT 455 Neurochemistry (3 credits)
PSYT 500 Advances: Neurobiology of Mental Disorders (3 credits)