Required Courses (18 credits):
PSYC 204 Introduction to Psychological Statistics (3 credits) *
PSYC 211 Introductory Behavioural Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 212 Perception (3 credits)
PSYC 213 Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 215 Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 305 Statistics for Experimental Design (3 credits) **
Complementary Courses (18 credits)
18 credits selected as follows:
3 credits in Psychology from List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitative Methods)
3 credits in Psychology from List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology)
6 credits in Psychology at the 300 level or above.
6 credits in Psychology at the 400 or 500 level.
List A - (Behavioural Neuroscience, Cognition and Quantitative Methods):
NSCI 201 Introduction to Neuroscience 2 (3 credits)
PSYC 301 Animal Learning and Theory (3 credits)
PSYC 302 The Psychology of Pain (3 credits)
PSYC 310 Intelligence (3 credits)
PSYC 311 Human Cognition and the Brain (3 credits)
PSYC 315 Computational Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 317 Genes and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 318 Behavioural Neuroscience 2 (3 credits)
PSYC 319 Computational Models - Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 329 Introduction to Auditory Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 340 Psychology of Language (3 credits)
PSYC 341 The Psychology of Bilingualism (3 credits)
PSYC 342 Hormones and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 352 Cognitive Psychology Laboratory (3 credits)
PSYC 353 Laboratory in Human Perception (3 credits)
PSYC 403 Modern Psychology in Historical Perspective (3 credits)
PSYC 406 Psychological Tests (3 credits)
PSYC 410 Special Topics in Neuropsychology (3 credits)
PSYC 413 Cognitive Development (3 credits)
PSYC 415 Electroencephalography (EEG) Laboratory in Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 427 Sensorimotor Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 433 Cognitive Science (3 credits)
PSYC 443 Affective Neuroscience (3 credits)
PSYC 444 Sleep Mechanisms and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 470 Memory and Brain (3 credits)
PSYC 502 Psychoneuroendocrinology (3 credits)
PSYC 506 Cognitive Neuroscience of Attention (3 credits)
PSYC 513 Human Decision-Making (3 credits)
PSYC 514 Neurobiology of Memory (3 credits)
PSYC 522 Neurochemistry and Behaviour (3 credits)
PSYC 526 Advances in Visual Perception (3 credits)
PSYC 529 Music Cognition (3 credits)
PSYC 531 Structural Equation Models (3 credits)
PSYC 537 Advanced Seminar in Psychology of Language (3 credits)
PSYC 538 Categorization, Communication and Consciousness (3 credits)
PSYC 541 Multilevel Modelling (3 credits)
PSYC 545 Topics in Language Acquisition (3 credits)
PSYC 562 Measurement of Psychological Processes (3 credits)
List B - (Social, Health and Developmental Psychology):
PSYC 304 Child Development (3 credits)
PSYC 328 Health Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 331 Inter-Group Relations (3 credits)
PSYC 332 Introduction to Personality (3 credits)
PSYC 333 Personality and Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 337 Introduction to Psychopathology (3 credits)
PSYC 351 Research Methods in Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 408 Principles and Applications of Psychotherapy (3 credits)
PSYC 409 Positive Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 412 Child Development: Psychopathology (3 credits)
PSYC 414 Social Development (3 credits)
PSYC 436 Human Sexuality and Its Problems (3 credits)
PSYC 471 Human Motivation (3 credits)
PSYC 473 Social Cognition and the Self (3 credits)
PSYC 474 Interpersonal Relationships (3 credits)
PSYC 475 Neuroscience of Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 483 Seminar in Experimental Psychopathology (3 credits)
PSYC 491D1 Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders (3 credits)
PSYC 491D2 Advanced Study: Behavioural Disorders (3 credits)
PSYC 507 Emotions, Stress, and Illness (3 credits)
PSYC 509 Diverse Clinical Populations (3 credits)
PSYC 512 Advanced Personality Seminar (3 credits)
PSYC 528 Vulnerability to Depression and Anxiety (3 credits)
PSYC 530 Applied Topics in Deafness (3 credits)
PSYC 535 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology (3 credits)
PSYC 539 Advanced Topics in Social Psychology 2 (3 credits)
Unclassified Courses
Students may also select complementary courses from the research and topics courses below:
PSYC 395 Psychology Research Project 1 (6 credits)
PSYC 450D1 Research Project and Seminar (4.5 credits)
PSYC 450D2 Research Project and Seminar (4.5 credits)
PSYC 488D1 Special Topics Seminar (1.5 credits)
PSYC 488D2 Special Topics Seminar (1.5 credits)
PSYC 492 Special Topics Seminar 1 (3 credits)
PSYC 494D1 Psychology Research Project (4.5 credits)
PSYC 494D2 Psychology Research Project (4.5 credits)
PSYC 495 Psychology Research Project 2 (6 credits)
PSYC 499 Reading Project (1 credit)