In 2019 UAL declared a Climate Emergency and pledged to ‘make sustainability a required part of the student learning experience’. In response to the climate and ecological crisis the Design School set in place an ambitious Sustainability Action Plan to fully embed responsible practices within the curriculum and in everything we do. As part of this initiative we have updated our course handbooks against a set of social and environmental sustainability principles to ensure that learning outcomes reflect the urgent need to equip students with the understanding, skills and values to foster a more sustainable planet. Our aim is to change the way students think and to empower them to work towards a sustainable future.
MA Data Visualisation is in Full Time mode which runs for 45 weeks over 15 months. You will be expected to commit 40 hours per week to study.
The course units include:
Term 1
- Unit One: Data visualisation research and practices
- Unit Two: Visualisation tools, datasets and data stories
In this term, through a series of workshops, you will develop your specialist information design and data visualisation practice.Pairing key areas from mapping to complex chart-making with a focus on fundamental design principles such as colour, visual language and typography, you’ll develop your expertise in both explorative, and explanatory data visualisation as well as structure, narrative and story-telling.
Alongside this you’ll engage with key texts, data visualisation practitioners and specialists from related disciplines through a series of lectures and seminars. This will support you engaging with the critical and theoretical context in which you are work and informing your approach to research methods and critical practice.
Term Two and Three
- Unit Three: Final major project proposal and critical reflection
- Unit Four: Collaborative unit
During these terms you’ll define your major project focus through research-oriented workshops and group and individual seminars and tutorials.
You’ll also work on the Collaborative unit – responding to a brief defined and delivered with industry-leading practitioners working at the forefront of the discipline of data visualisation.
You’ll continue to participate in workshops designed to support you interrogating your own practice, defining methodologies and identifying interesting ways to integrate technical data visualisation tools and software into your research-led practice.
Through additional external briefs you’ll also work with your peers on group projects responding to provocations defined by domain experts working with data.
Term Four
- Unit Five: Final major project critical visual report.
In your final term, you will realise your research-led final major project, supported with lectures, seminars and tutorials as well as engagement with the wider community of practice at LCC.
You’ll produce a design outcome for this piece of work as well as critical and reflective report, evidencing your engagement with advanced theoretical and critical positions within the field and related disciplines.