Core modules
Core modules are taken by all students on the course. They give you a solid grounding in your chosen subject and prepare you to explore the topics that interest you most.
Autumn teaching
- Introduction to Qualitative Methods
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods
Spring teaching
- Research Design and Ethics
Summer teaching
- Advanced Methods in Social Research
- Dissertation (MSc Social Research Methods)
Alongside your core modules, you can choose options to broaden your horizons and tailor your course to your interests. This list gives you a flavour of our options, which are kept under review and may change, for example in response to student feedback or the latest research.
While it’s our aim for students to take their preferred combinations of options, this can’t be guaranteed and will be subject to timetabling. Options may be grouped and if so, students will be able to choose a set number of options from the selection available in any particular group.
Autumn teaching
- Critical Debates in Development Theory
- Gender Politics and Social Research
- International Relations Theory
- Migrants and Society: Global Transformations
- Philosophy of Science and Social Science Research Practice
- Understanding Processes of Social Change
Spring teaching
- Action Research
- Discourse Analysis
- Ethnographic Methods of Data Collection
- Evidence for Policy and Practice: A Critical Stance
- Policy and Programme Evaluation Research
- Researching Childhood and Youth
- Self, Voice and Creativity in Research Writing
- Socio-legal Research Methods
Summer teaching
- Effective Research Data Management - Ed Summer Sch
- Elite Interviewing
- Evaluation of Policy and Professional Practice
- Multi-sited and Mobile Ethnography
- Researching Hidden and Hard-to-reach Populations
- Social Research in Conflict-affected Areas