Year 1
Core modules
Core modules are taken by all students on the course. They give you a solid grounding in your chosen subject and prepare you to explore the topics that interest you most.
Autumn teaching
British Political History
Explanatory Concepts in Political Science
Introduction to International Relations
The Rise of the Modern International Order
Spring teaching
Classical Political Theory & International Relations
Foundations of Politics
Research Skills and Methods in Political Science
The Short Twentieth Century and Beyond
Year 2
Core modules
Core modules are taken by all students on the course. They give you a solid grounding in your chosen subject and prepare you to explore the topics that interest you most.
Autumn teaching
Year 3
You choose options to broaden your horizons and tailor your course to your interests. This list gives you a flavour of our options, which are kept under review and may change, for example in response to student feedback or the latest research.
While it’s our aim for students to take their preferred combinations of options, this can’t be guaranteed and will be subject to timetabling. Options may be grouped and if so, students will be able to choose a set number of options from the selection available in any particular group.
Autumn teaching
Death of Socialism?
International Relations of the Modern Middle East
Mercenaries, Gangs and Terrorists: Private Security in International Politics
Political Change: Contemporary France
Political Change: Eastern Europe in Transition
Political Change: Global Crisis and European Political Economy
Political Change: India
Political Change: Political Parties and Party Systems
Political Change: Politics and International Business
Political Change: The European Union as a Global Actor
Political Change: the Politics of Brexit
Political Change: The Rise of Anti-politics
Political Economy of the Environment
Race, Gender and Global Capitalism
Religions in Global Politics
The Global Politics of Health
The Politics of Armed Groups: Rebels, State and Society
Trade, (De)Globalisation, and the New Mercantilism
Spring teaching
Capitalism and Geopolitics
Democracy and Inequality
Dirty Wars? Conflict and Military Intervention
East Asia Rising: Beyond the American Century?
Feminism and Women's Political Activism in Britain
Global Politics of Food
Global Resistance: Subjects and Practices
Governing Technology
Independent Study/Internship Option
NGOs in World Politics
Parties and Voters in the UK
Political Corruption
Politics of Terror and Global Histories of Violence
Putin, Power, Populism: Russia and Eurasia in Global Politics
The Politics of Feeling
What is War