Level 7
Principles of Research (20credits)
An introductory module into concepts, principles, and methodologies/designs for humanities and social and health sciences research. The module will provide a solid foundation into methodological theories and paradigms; research ethics; and an overview of the main research designs, including quantitative and qualitative research. The module will focus primarily on the “pre-empirical stage” of the research process, that is, the stage in which a research topic is refined into an answerable ‘research question’ through critical exploration of the substantive and methodological literature. By the end of the module students will be able to produce a sound research proposal, with a clear research question, appropriate proposed methodology, demonstrating awareness and commitment to rigorous ethical principles.
Systematic Review Methodology (20 credits)
This module will provide you a grounding into the principles and techniques of Systematic Review methodology, an advanced, robust, and rigorous methodology that uses an objective, systematic and transparent approach to identifying, collecting, and critically appraising and synthesising evidence from the current research literature on a research topic.
Advanced Quantitative Methodology (20 credits)
This module will provide you with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to design, conduct, and appraise quantitative research projects. The module will walk you through all the stages of a quantitative research project, from determining what type of data needs to be collected (defining a research topic, determining the concepts that relevant, defining and operationalising them), to determining and implementing the best methods of generating quantitative data (such as survey methodology) and to analyse them using a range statistical techniques. Special attention will be given to the principles of statistical techniques, how to apply them using real world examples and how to interpret the results. The module will consist of lectures covering the general principles of quantitative social research, and seminars and workshops focusing on more specific topics from within your discipline of choice, and hands-on experience in methods of data collection and data analysis.
Advanced Qualitative Methodology (20 credits)
This module will provide you with in-depth knowledge and skills necessary to design, conduct, and appraise qualitative research projects. The module will focus on the theory and practice of research designs based on qualitative data, on the practical techniques and methods for generating and analysing qualitative data. Data generation techniques will include methods such as individual and focus group interviews, observation and field work methods, ethnographic research, and textual analysis; data analysis techniques include thematic analysis, discourse analysis, narrative analysis, grounded theory approaches, etc. The module will consist of lectures covering the general principles of qualitative social research, and seminars and workshops focusing on more specific topics from within your discipline of choice, and hands-on experience in methods of data collection and data analysis.
Topic-specific module (20 credits)
If you decided to select a discipline-specific pathway mapped onto one of our existing taught postgraduate programmes (MA or MSc) within the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, you will need to enrol in a 20 credits module from the MA/MSc programme of the pathway of choice. You can liaise with the course leader of the MRes to determine what modules are available and their delivery timetables.
Dissertation research project (80 credits)
The purpose of this Independent Project is to provide students with the opportunity to undertake a significant and substantial learning activity and to demonstrate the ability to work independently. Students at master’s level need to use their critical and analytical skills to conduct independent research and develop a dissertation in a relevant and appropriate topic supported empirically and theoretically through historical and current academic research. It provides students with an opportunity to carry out a comprehensive investigation on a topic of their choice and seeks to equip them with the skills of detailed project planning, design, analysis, and critical evaluation. The opportunity to explore and apply critical reflexive knowledge within the research context will also be evident.
Independent Learning Project (20 credits)
If you do not want to enrol on a specific pathway mapped on an existing MA/MSc, and rather prefer to focus on own area of specialism, you could enrol in a 20 credits Independent Learning Project module, in lieu of the module from an existing Master programme, in which, supported by your academic adviser, can pursue a topic in an area of specialism of your choice, within the disciplines of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. You will be awarded a general MRes Social Sciences and Humanities, without a pathway.
This module enables you to pursue an area of interest and relevance in a chosen topic within a specialist discipline. It provides you with the opportunity to negotiate, manage and present learning outcomes related to an area of particular interest or specialism that you have developed.