Year 1
Context (fundamentals of history and theory) (Mandatory)
This module introduces fundamental principles and theories that frame architecture from a contextual point of view. It provides definitions and analysis of key terms such as: representation, language, form, function, grid, rhythm, perspective, scale, proportion, gender, memory as well as meanings of space, place and site. The module covers selected historical periods of art and architecture, contextual systems of thinking in art and design and the work of selected authors in international art, architecture and design scenes.
Creative Media (communication in 2D, 3D and 4D) (Mandatory)
This module establishes the basics of the visual language of architectural design as creative art and familiarise students with a wide range of media and methods. The module focuses on the conceptualisation, fabrication and presentation of ideas that use the image and the model as two complementary elements that often overlap and identify with each other. It does so from a creative and artistic perspective.
Systems (Mandatory)
This module creates the basis for the technical understanding and knowledge of materials, structures and systems. It focuses on the practical application of principles and conventions architecture and introduces project management and the relevant construction regulatory framework. Furthermore, the module explores the language of architectural design in 2D and 3D through the use of analogue tools and computing skills for digital production with a focus on drafting, and detailing.
Design Synthesis 1 (architectural design studio: site, envelope, user) (Mandatory)
This is the core architectural design studio module. It focuses on the fundamental principles of architectural design creation, defined as operation, condition and merging. The module initiates knowledge and understanding of the key principles and terms of architectural design as formal and spatial articulation. It introduces user and site as context in the making of architecture and familiarise students with the key processes of projects by working against briefs, using precedents and core concepts.
Year 2
Critical Perspectives (advanced history and theory, research methods) (Mandatory)
This is the history and theory and research methods module. It focuses on the most influential thought of critical theory and its application in practice through research. It draws upon concepts and contexts drawn from the arts, humanities and sciences. It create a platform for discovery, investigation, and interpretation of theoretical issues and approaches of philosophical and contextual nature and promotes interdisciplinary thinking.
Integrated Technology (construction, sustainability, BIM) (Mandatory)
This is the technical knowledge, construction and management module. It provides advanced knowledge and understanding of structures, materials and building performance, underpinned by sustainability principles. It expands upon building services and regulations as well as methods that frame environmental design. It thoughtfully combines the above with training in Building Information Modelling (BIM) principles as well as project management.
City - Context - Culture (urban and critical design, fabrication) (Mandatory)
This uniquely designed module brings together a wide range of disciplines that study the city, and through a critical and creative perspective it will explore architecture and the urban environment as framed by specific sociocultural and political contexts. Focusing on heritage and curatorial practices, students train in activities related to participatory design and conservation, creative regeneration, activism and site-specificity. This module promotes specialised interdisciplinary knowledge and understanding of the urban environment.
Design Synthesis 2 (architectural design studio: integration and regeneration) (Mandatory)
This is the core architectural design studio module. It focuses on issues of integration and regeneration looking at the micro and macro scale of architecture as intervention and object, to include cultural and financial parameters. The module presents architecture as making insightful gestures that apply to objects, spaces, and environments of complex nature. It moreover addresses the role of the architect in a team, and their direct connection with the materiality, the process, and the completion of work as built product.
Year 3
Research (dissertation and special theory topics) (Mandatory)
This the theory and history module that focuses on the development and production of an academic research essay (dissertation) in response to a series of lectures and seminars on space and place. The research process is guided closely by a specialist supervisor and is enhanced by scholarly discussions on specialised topics related to architecture, art and design. The final outcome, the dissertation, is presented in an open student-led symposium.
Professional Practice (roles, regulations, ethos) (Mandatory)
This module positions the graduates in the profession and offers understanding of the ethos and role of architects in practice. Students position themselves as upcoming architecture professionals and reflect upon the ethos and social responsibility of the architect within a project and the society. This module provides the necessary knowledge around construction, the relevant processes and regulations as well as the role of the architect in such.
Design Synthesis 3 (social and environmental agendas) (Mandatory)
This is the core design studio module which defines the award of Bachelor with Honours in Architecture. It is much more rigorous than Design Synthesis 1 and 2 and facilitates a self-initiated project underpinned by social and environmental agendas and/or innovative construction systems. It promotes architecture as multifaceted practice with a scope for change making and offers opportunities for specialisation and gaining expertise for life in practice or further study.