First year
In your first year you will begin your language learning by focusing on reading, writing, listening and speaking, working with qualified native-speaker language teachers, using specially designed course material.
Through our Exploring East Asia module you will be provided with essential knowledge of the East Asia region, its history, politics, geography and culture. This will give you a greater understanding of Korea and Japan, what shaped them and how they may develop in the future.
Core modules:
- Exploring East Asia
- Korean Language 1A
- Korean Language 1B
- Japanese for Non-Specialists 1
- Korean Language 2A
- Korean Language 2B
- Japanese for Non-Specialists 2
Second year
At level 2 you will have the opportunity to develop your understanding of Korea and Japan through your optional modules, exploring disciplines such as history, politics or culture in more detail. Your modules will help you develop discipline specific skills which may include
- Analysing policy and writing policy briefs
- Critiquing visual art such as film
- Forming and debating a coherent argument
- reviewing historical texts
In your Korean language classes you will build on what you have learnt in your first year and focus on language which will help you on your year abroad. In Japanese language classes you will build your vocabulary to include roughly 400 words and furhter develop your grammer and spoken Japanese.
Core modules:
- Korean Language 3A (Level 2)
- Korean Language 3B (Level 2)
- Japanese for Non-Specialists 3
- Korean Language 4A (Level 2)
- Korean Language 4B (Level 2)
- Japanese for Non-Specialists 4
Third year
Core module:
Fourth year
In your final year you will focus on developing your research skills through specially designed research focused modules.
In your Korean language classes you will be introduced to advanced topics such as translation, interpretation and workplace language skills such as CV writing and presenting.
In Japanese language classes you will further develop your oral competence in spoken practice through role-plays and discussion activities, focusing on clear and appropriate communication
Core modules:
- Researching Korea 1
- Korean Language 5
- Japanese for Non- Specialists 5
- Korean Language 6
- Japanese for Non- Specialists 6