Course unit details
The course is non-modular, providing you with an opportunity to develop and consolidate skills throughout each year of the course.
Taught content is delivered in blocks of study of increasing complexity alongside the two longitudinal themes of Personal and Professional Development (PPD) and Consultation Skills (CS), with assessment periods at the end of each year. Each taught block feeds seamlessly into the next and all components of the programme are compulsory.
You have the option of spending an elective period in a speciality of your choosing.
Course content for Year 1
The first year of the course begins with a four-month period of intensive study where you will develop your understanding of the essential basic and clinical sciences that facilitate safe and effective practice.
After this 16-week taught block, you will rotate through a series of medical and surgical placements, each incorporating a short period of university-based teaching.
The curriculum is built around a core content of common clinical situations that are then organised according to their relative complexity. The content of each taught block is delivered using a problem-based learning (PBL) approach through the study of clinical cases/scenarios.
Each case integrates elements of the taught content and you will learn about and reflect upon the related biomedical, behavioural and population sciences appropriate to the case.
PBL is supported by small group teaching, lectures and workshops to form a truly integrated curriculum with very high levels of contact time.
Course content for Year 2
The second year of the course provides more advanced specialist instruction in the core medical and clinical sciences alongside a comprehensive programme of clinical reasoning to prepare you to sit your national postgraduate examinations.
Course unit list
The course unit details given below are subject to change, and are the latest example of the curriculum available on this course of study.
- Physician Associate - Quality and Evidence
- Quality and Evidence Project