Year 1
Identify Concepts and Technologies
The main aims of this module are to facilitate the student to identify a conceptual and technical field/fields of advanced research and study within the subject area through critical reflection on their own work within the wider context of professional process and progress. It also aims to provide the opportunity to study the subject of cut and construction of clothing and textiles. Modern and historical making processes will form the basis of new 3D practices on which the student will define their own work within the wider context of sustainable and ethical design.
Define: Concepts and Technologies
The main aims of this module are to facilitate students to critically reflect on their initial research projects, to define their practice both conceptually and technically and produce a body of work which reflects professional process and progress. This will evidence independent, original work and research within the subject area.
Define: Live Industry Project
The aim of this module is to enable the student to experience professional engagement in a context relevant to their individual practice or chosen career path through the completion of a live industry project. The student will also use this as an opportunity to design, curate and realise an exhibition, installation or other presentation of their collection.
Professional Life: Advanced Fashion Portfolio (Mental Wealth) FT7020
The aim of this module is to enable the student to experience professional engagement in a context relevant to their individual practice or chosen career path within the subject area. Professional engagement can take place within a wide variety of contexts. For example, the student may choose to design and manage a live project, submit for a competition, design and run a workshop or digital campaign.
Consolidate: Concept and Technologies
The main aim of this module is for students to develop a coherent and sophisticated body of work for exhibition or presentation, as appropriate to their subject. The module culminates in a showing of work, which will demonstrate a sustained level of practice necessary to achieve a Master's qualification.
Fashion Consultancy Project/Internship
This module will provide an opportunity for the students to:
- Plan, prepare and undertake a master-level work placement (minimum 10-week maximum 12-week) in industry that is pertinent to their career objectives.
- Research, identify and pursue appropriate realistic placement / employment
- opportunities.
- Enhance professional practice through experiential understanding and development of employability and practical skills.
- Recognise and report on their understanding of various roles within a professional team.
- Give opportunity for networking environments that may lead to a mentorship/sponsorship.
- Record and reflect upon experiences whilst on placement in order to enhance their ability to contextualise the working environment.
Year 2
Creative Practice
As part of the final year in an MA/MFA pathway, this module is a supervised, independent, student-driven creative practice module, which offers students an extraordinary opportunity to develop their creative practice in depth and to complete a professional-standard, full-length creative output in their discipline. Students from a range of practice-based programmes will create individual practice-based research plans with their supervisor and programme leader in order to meet the learning outcomes described in this module. Students develop their own working practices with supervision by their named programme supervisor in order to explore and advance their projects and reflective components.
This module will:
- Offer individual students the opportunity to critically develop his or her own work in the context of a rigorous but supportive intellectual climate.
- Encourage students to identify and explore those key contextual issues relevant to their artistic practice.
- Guide students to critically evaluate their work and that of their peers in the context of contemporary professional artistic practice.
- Enable students to achieve the highest possible standards in their work, so that MFA graduates have the confidence, maturity and intellectual and interpersonal skills necessary to function as successful creative practitioners.
The module aims to:
- Enable students to work with a significant level of autonomy in the production of a practice-based project
- Enable students to produce a body of work that demonstrates a resolution of practice and critical understanding
- Prepare students for the public presentation of work in collaboration with their peers and professionals in the field.
- Allow students to confidently contextualise their own work within the parameters of contemporary art practices.
- Further develop the ability to identify and formulate new critical insights into established practice
- Further encourage informed critical reflection upon the relations between the student’s own practice and current issues within their discipline.
Students are expected to demonstrate independence and 'ownership' in relation to their learning experience. In this focused environment each student learns how to organise and structure their working patterns in order to prepare themselves - both intellectually and practically - for the life of a professional practitioner in their chosen area. Each student, in conjunction with the programme team, will develop an individual learning plan and contract, which will stipulate the specific content of the creative practice involved in meeting the learning outcomes of the module.
Professional Platform