Foundation Year
Personal Development (Mental Wealth)
This module aims to build students' knowledge of theories and interventions in various areas of personal development. This knowledge will enhance students' reflective abilities, autonomous thinking, interpersonal skills and help them to build a connection with the discipline of Psychology. The module is aimed at providing students with effective tools for personal development that can be utilised throughout all stages of academic study, professional development and the lifespan.
Psychology in the Everyday
This module introduces contemporary issues in Psychology grounded in the real world. The aim of the module is to ensure students gain exposure to how Psychology, its applications and key theories, play a part in our everyday lives. The module will assist students in critically and creatively examining real world topics through the eyes of psychologists, by exploring the topic area cross-culturally, outlining key theories, findings, practical issues, ethics and research methods. Students will become more psychologically aware, ready for Level 4. It is intended that the topics will provide an insight for students on possible future pathways.
Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the research process in Psychology. Students will learn about different research methods used by psychologists, both quantitative and qualitative. As part of this process they will conduct a small-scale research project, learning how to present their findings and consider the strengths and limitations of the study. This will include developing an awareness of ethical issues involved in psychological research.
Key Studies in Psychology
The aim of the module is to introduce students to key debates and research findings in psychology by describing, discussing and analysing examples of influential studies. These studies will be drawn from different areas of psychology, for example, social, biological and developmental psychology and illustrate varied approaches in psychology, for example, experimental, observational and critical. Through this module, students will become familiar with psychology terminology and research techniques and will learn about the ways in which research findings are evaluated, applied and built upon in future studies.
Introduction to Counselling Skills
By the end of this module, you will have received an overview of the main tenets of counselling theory, research and practice in the UK. You will have acquired an understanding of the various attitudes and core qualities relevant to counselling and allied helping professions, and you will have begun to understand the importance of ethics and ethical issues in counselling.
You will also have gained hands-on experience of the development and use of core skills such as attending, listening and communication empathy. During this process, you will gain a good grounding in the role of personal therapy as a means of personal and professional development.
Moreover, you will have experienced, first-hand, the privilege of working with peers in a process of developing personally and professionally through practical experience. A central theme in this pursuit is that of embracing reflective practice through giving and receiving feedback.
Introduction to Academic Practice
The principle aim of this module is to help students to realise and develop the key academic and transferable skills they need in order to make a successful transition from further education to undergraduate level studies in Psychology. In the process of achieving this aim this module will also lay the foundation for the further development of the skills during subsequent levels of undergraduate study and promote an awareness of their utility in wider professional context.
Year 1
Thinking Like a Psychologist (Mental Wealth)
The aim of the module is to support students in their transition to Degree level study of Psychology, introducing them to new ways of thinking that have psychology at the core. Students will learn about psychological principles that have value in everyday life and learning. They will be supported in the development of critical thinking skills, prized by graduate employers. In addition, students will learn how to present psychological concepts to members of the general public, and to use on-line presentation software to facilitate such work.
Introduction to Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
In this module, we explore the mechanisms that process information about the world (such as perception, memory, and attention) and by which we develop our responses to it (e.g., by thinking, communicating, and the shaping of behaviour by our learning). In doing so, this module introduces core topics in cognitive psychology (which seeks to scientifically model how the mind functions) and developmental psychology (which seeks to understand change through the lifespan).
Psychology in Applied Contexts
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the ways in which psychology is used in professional roles and graduate level employment. Module content will include an introduction to the core professional division of the British Psychological Society (BPS) and, beyond this, to the diverse ways in which psychology is used within 'real-world' settings, including well-established and new emerging career opportunities. The module will provide a foundation for understanding, reflecting on and developing graduate employability which will be built on at level 5.
Researching with Small Samples
To introduce students to key approaches to research in Psychology, including research design, data analysis, evaluating and writing up research. This module will focus on research methods appropriate to questions relating to smaller sample sizes.
Researching with Larger Samples
To introduce students to key approaches to research in Psychology, including research design, data analysis, evaluating and writing up research. This module will focus on research methods appropriate to questions relating to larger sample sizes.
Year 2
Individual Differences and Diversity
This module has three principle aims:
- to develop a critical and historical awareness of theories of, and issues relating to, individual differences;
- to instil understanding of, and foster respect for, diversity;
- to encourage students to be insightful and reflective about their own and others' behaviour and mental processes. An ongoing theme of the module will be to consider the implications of the knowledge imparted for real-life events and the development of professional practice. These aims are intended to help students develop into psychologically literate citizens.
Psychological Research Methods
The aim of the module is to build on material delivered in the level 4 research method modules and provide a preparation for the independent research project at level 6. The module will: present more advanced statistical methods used to analyse quantitative data from designs with one and more than one IV/factor; to ensure awareness of a range of experimental and non-experimental quantitative designs (including real-world research) and a range of qualitative designs; consider issues of internal and external validity; further consider epistemological and methodological issues, reflexivity, ethics and practicalities of conducting qualitative research; and provide students with opportunities to gain further experience designing, executing and writing quantitive and qualitative research studies.
Topics in Cognitive and Developmental Psychology
The module builds on students' learning at level 4 and explores a range of current issues and topics in cognitive and developmental psychology in greater depth. Students will learn about appropriate ways to analyse and interpret findings in these core areas of psychology. The module's aim is to encourage a more evaluative and analytical approach than at level 4 coverage of these areas of psychology.
Applications of Psychobiology and Social Psychology
The module will build upon knowledge of the psychobiology and social psychological approaches that were introduced at Level 4. The aim of the module is to develop students' knowledge and critical awareness of these major theoretical perspectives for understanding human behaviour. Current issues as well as historical debates in these two areas will be explored. Considerable focus will be placed upon the real-world application and utility of theories falling within each approach.
Work-Based Learning in Psychology (Mental Wealth)
The module is designed to further develop students' awareness of the range of careers, work and volunteering opportunities open to psychology graduates and to support their engagement with personal and professional development strategies. Based on a short period of work-experience, arranged by students and completed as part of the module's student learning time, students will be able to learn about organisations and make use of networking opportunities. They will have an opportunity to integrate psychological theory with practice and to clarify their interests and goals.
Research Skills in Cognitive Neuroscience
This option module introduces the students to the theoretical underpinnings of cognitive neuroscience, and to the practical skills necessary to conduct research in cognitive neuroscience. In the first part of the module, the students will be introduced to cognitive neuroscience literature that utilises specific technologies (e.g, electrophysiology or eye-tracking). In the second part of the module, the students will be asked to pick a certain technology and will be guided in groups to develop and analyse an experiment that uses that technology.
Introduction to Forensic Psychology
The main aims of this module are:
- To introduce concepts and issues in forensic and criminological psychology.
- To provide an overview of the historical, current and potential future relationships between psychology and the criminal justice system.
- To provide a clear overview of how psychology has been used, and can further be used, to inform practical problems arising in the criminal justice system.
Psychology, Identity and Society
Students will be introduced to the range of debates that have led to a move away from 'positivistic' psychology and towards what is now known as critical social psychology or, 'societal' psychology. The module will introduce a variety of critical approaches and explore limitations and constraints of individualistic, reductionist and essentialist analyses of the individual and the social in psychology. The module will foster an awareness of the importance of the 'social locatedness' (historical, community, philosophical, etc.) of psychological knowledge and 'realities' and will explore subjectivity and identity, social-relations, broader cultural formations (than traditionally allowed by positivistic social psychology) and collective sense-making across a range of theories, methods and topic areas.
Developmental Difficulties and Differences
The aim of the module is to develop students' knowledge and understanding of theoretical accounts and key research findings on developmental difficulties and differences, building on and adding to the developmental psychology modules taken at levels 4 and 5. The module will aim to develop students' abilities to evaluate research on atypical development and explore how research findings have relevance to the real world.
Clinical and Community Psychology
This module will introduce students to key concepts in both Clinical Psychology and Community Psychology.
Introduction to Positive Psychology Coaching
Positive Psychology Coaching is a scientifically rooted approach to helping individuals, groups and communities to increase wellbeing, enhance and apply strengths, increase self-awareness, improve performance, achieve goals and flourish.This module will offer a comprehensive introduction to the science of Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology. It will take you through the main theories and research in the field and its application in different contexts.
Principles and Practices for Environmental Psychology
This module provides an overview of the relationship between humans and their environments. The module offers an overview to the theory, practice and application of psychology approaches in environmental settings. The origins, basic principles and key conceptual issues to environment-behaviour relationships are introduced and studied.
Topics in Cyberpsychology
The Psychology of Mental Health - Difficulties in Adulthood
Applying Psychology in Organisations
Year 3
Psychology in Communication and Social Engagement (Mental Wealth)
This module will develop students' understanding of the range of theories and techniques involved in psychologies of social engagement. Examples include the communication of psychological knowledge to external audiences and the use of psychological knowledge to address real world issues and problems. These examples will be contextualised with reference to conceptual and historical issues in psychology. Students will be invited to develop a broad understanding of psychology and their psychological knowledge as it is relevant to the wider world, including local communities, businesses, politics and policy.
Developmental Psychology Research Project
- To improve students' awareness of the issues involved in the formulation, execution and reporting of developmental psychology research and theory.
- To facilitate students' application of their skills and psychological knowledge to conduct and report an independent piece of empirical research in developmental psychology.
Advanced Developmental Psychology
This module will provide students with an opportunity to examine and evaluate in-depth key and current methods and findings in developmental psychology. The aim is to investigate the main factors that shape development in a variety of domains (social, emotional, cognitive) and across ages, in a manner that will help students to develop the skills required to be able to critically analyse research in this area. The module will also give students the opportunity to consolidate and to explore in more depth some of the concepts previously introduced at levels 4 and 5.
Advanced Forensic Psychology
The aims of the module are to educate students into the complexity of behaviour that is considered criminological; to examine psychological theory and research concerning different types of offending behaviour and for students to develop an appreciation of the role that psychologists can play in rehabilitation and desistance from offending behaviour.
Health Psychology
The module describes and evaluates biopsychosocial approaches to health and illness. It examines social and psychological processes which contribute to the occurrence of various physical health outcomes and to the maintenance of health. It discusses the role of psychosocial processes in the experience and progression of health and illness. Specifically, it examines biopsychosocial precursors and consequences which are identifiable empirically in the aetiology and progression of a variety of health phenomena. Such precursors include the role of social support, social cognitions, individual differences in coping and personality, life change events and pyscho-neuro-immunological, endocrine and other physiological processes. In summary, this module explores how psychological and social factors impact out health. Implications for prevention of illness and promotion of health are considered.
Psychology of Choice
The aim of this module is to introduce students to the main concepts and theories in research on preference choices, risk perception and communication, and judgement and decision making. Students will be able to describe and evaluate research findings on how people assess risks (major hazards, terrorism etc.) and which psychological factors determine the choices and preferences made by individuals and experts.
Psychology of Belief
The aims of the module are to assist students in developing; their skills and competencies in critical thinking and the evaluation of information; their ability to understand behaviours motivated by different values and different cultural perspectives; and their ability to understand the causes of beliefs which they do not themselves ascribe to.
Students will explore the various factors (e.g., social, developmental, cognitive, cultural, and biopsychological) that contribute to unsubstantiated beliefs, look at various theories of religious belief, and explore the psychology of moral values and political affiliation.
Psychology of Emotion
This module will aim to explore and critically evaluate approaches to the emotions in Psychology. The aim will be for students to develop knowledge about the role and nature of emotions in psychological experiences, and critically evaluate emotion research.
Occupational Psychology
The module aims to introduce students to the main areas of occupational and organisational psychology and providing a critical understanding of the various ways in which contemporary psychological knowledge is applied to workplace behaviour of people and to business management. It elucidates multiple aspects of human performance at work and ways to optimise them, considering their individual, group and organisational contexts.
Applied Cyberpsychology
Broadly speaking the module aims to help students:
- Think about how Cyberpsychology can enhance the communication and impact of psychological science.
- Consider the implications of existing lines of psychological inquiry for research within Cyberpsychology.
- Critically evaluate the way that research in Cyberpsychology can be applied to society.
Applied Evolutionary Psychology - Cognition, Culture, and Behaviour Change