All the basic functional areas that are deemed to comprise the business discipline – Marketing, Operations, Accounting, HRM, Business Strategy, Economics, and other Contemporary Issues – are covered and their relevance to the context of rapid contemporary change is covered in-depth.
During the course, we will develop your problem solving, research and personal skills to satisfy the key transferable skills demanded by employers. Our Degree is taught by a team of experienced, professional and committed staff. We want to work with you to ensure you maximise your experience at university and that you achieve to the very best of your ability.
There are three strands that permeate the overall structure of the course: employability skills, research knowledge and skills, and business-specific knowledge and skills.
These three strands are interlinked and cultivated throughout the three years in a unique and exciting blend.
Broadly, the first year units develop the first skills for reflection and collaborative skills. Individual forms of assessment in the second year include both implicit and explicit reflective elements to allow you to assess your own performance.
In the second and third year, tutors will support you in the transition to becoming a more independent learner, with assessments requiring greater research and fact finding and being more open-ended, with less guidance.
You are encouraged from the outset to be aware of the changing nature of the management functions within which business operates. You are expected to keep up to date with information, and events that will affect business practice.
Why choose this course
- Enjoy a challenging learning experience taught by experts in their fields.
- Gain a broad understanding of organisations and managerial frameworks.
- Benefit from opportunities to reflect on your knowledge, learning and practice.
Unit Information - What will I learn?
- Accounting For Business (AAF016-1) Compulsory
- Foundations Of Business Communication (BBS003-1) Compulsory
- Foundations Of Business Management (BBS013-1) Compulsory
- Intercultural Competence In Business (MAR013-1) Compulsory
- Law For Business Managers (LAW011-1) Compulsory
- Principles Of Marketing (MAR001-1) Compulsory
- Economics For Business (AAF036-2) Compulsory
- Entrepreneurship And Leadership Of Business Ventures (BSS018-2) Compulsory
- Human Resource Management (SHR018-2) Compulsory
- Intercultural Management In Business (MAR015-2) Optional
- Managerial Accounting And Finance (AAF037-2) Optional
- Marketing Planning (MAR002-2) Optional
- Sustainable Business Management (BSS017-2) Optional
- International Business Management (BSS044-3) Compulsory
- Research Methods In Business Practice (BSS057-3) Compulsory
- Specialist Project (Business Management) (BSS045-3) Compulsory
- Strategy And Change Management (BSS013-3) Compulsory
- Digital Business Management (BSS041-3) Optional
- Management And Administration Of Operations (BSS042-3) Optional
How will I be assessed?
Assessment takes a variety of forms, including essays and reports, portfolios, individual and group presentations (individually assessed), research proposals and exams.
Many of the assessments are based on real case studies, project work, and other employability focused activities. Most units include elements of individual and group work to reflect the type of work undertaken in business and management.
Assessment focuses on tasks that develop vocational skills, underpinned by subject knowledge, requiring higher levels of cognition in the later years of the course.