Foundation Year
Book Publishing 1: Content
Book Publishing 1 examines theory and practice in several modes of creative writing, at an advanced level. These include poetry, screenwriting, fiction, creative non-fiction and playwriting. Through refinement of skills and advancement of practice, students will specialise in particular forms, and will be expected to demonstrate professional standards in their writing. Students will prepare work for publication, which will form the material for use in Book Publishing 2.
Transmedia and Digital Futures
In this module, you will examine various theories both on transmedia storytelling as well as on complex narratives that underpin these types of intercompositional narratives, analysing the impact of convergence culture on the way in which we produce and consume media.
The module encourages you to employ experimental and imaginative approaches to concept, process and final realisation of your projects - skills essential to the creation of digital artworks and to the creative industries in general. It also provides you with a greater awareness of the creative context in which to locate their work. You will produce a transmedia narrative working across multiple platforms and formats, including but not limited to video, sound, music, animation, and photography.
Book Publishing 2
Book Publishing 2 takes students through the process of publishing their own work, produced in Term 1, and assisting others in the publication of theirs. Students will work in editorial teams to go through an extensive process of editing their work and that of others; revising their work to editorial input; developing publishing skills such as design and typesetting; and working as part of a team. Every student will end up with a hard copy of their own published work.
Final Major Project: Realisation
Building on the work of FT6021, you will realise your ideas through creative production of original and innovative negotiated concept and outcomes that are relevant to your career aspirations and specialism.
You will have the opportunity to produce a final major project that will primarily rely upon negotiated guidance in order to promote and develop your transition into working life.
You will have the opportunity to identify, develop, reflect upon and finalise projects that will create and build a signature for your exit portfolio.
Advanced Practice & Innovation: Experimental Project
Year 1
Forms & Genres
This module introduces you to the most fundamental elements of a writer's toolkit: narrative forms and genre. It explores archetypal conventions of various story types, structural templates and characters over a range of media. These include a variety of prose, dramatic fiction, film and television. It introduces students to genre theory and the conventions of various genres.
You will produce a varied portfolio of work that applies the concepts and techniques introduced in the module. You will begin to develop critical skills through analyses of a variety of readings, as well as editorial input into the work of other students. You will also increase your own self-reflexivity through a written analysis of your voice and creative process.
The foundational skills introduced in Forms & Genre will be used and developed throughout the Creative and Professional Writing degree.
Contextual Studies (Creative Writing)
Technique 1: Creative Writing
In this module, you will establish and develop specialised skills for Creative Writing. It will introduce you to a range of writing and reading strategies and techniques by examining critical/ theoretical approaches and imaginative texts. You will also participate in workshops exploring and developing writing practices.
Professional life: Mental Wealth - Agency 1
Developing the key psychological and physical determinants of human performance is increasingly critical for successful graduate-level employment, entrepreneurship and career progression in the 4th industrial revolution.
This module will provide students hoping to work in the creative industries with the opportunity to learn and apply the full range of skills, competencies and experience required for successful progression into in a range of potential future career areas.
Students will learn about conventions and expectations in the creative industries, focussing on areas specific to their programme of study. They will also advance their own personal professional development through taught and workshop activities, and explore possible strategies to further develop their reflective skills and self-awareness.
Students will have opportunity to select an in-house microbusiness to join in the role of 'Apprentice'. In this position they will focus on the importance of research in the creative industries. Students will practice key methods including digital and other research and qualitative methods used in industry today, including trends, news coverage and customer reviews. Students will also learn the conventions of research and analysis in order to develop a pitch or proposal in response to a client brief.
Documentary 1: Documentary and Representation (Creative Writing)
The module equips students with an understanding of how to engage with a wide range of themes through documentary forms. The module provides a context for documentary practice and problematises categories of representation, notions of 'truth' and 'realism' and facilitates civic engagement and involvement with the East London community.
Technique 2: Poetry Forms & Structures
This module will introduce you to a range of poetic writing, including both traditional and non-traditional forms and poetry as it relates to mixed media, mixed genre; it will also explore the use of language outside of the restrictions of conventional forms. You will be provided with a supportive and creative context in which to explore, experiment with and develop your language skills, style and voice.
Year 2
Long Form & Hybridity
Subject to validation.
Introduction to scriptwriting
This module introduces you to the script in a variety of forms. It explores the script's function as a technical document, written by and for professionals. It discusses the various elements that scripts for different media require.
You will produce a portfolio of work in which you will apply the concepts and techniques introduced in the module to various scriptwriting styles. You will hone their critical skills through analyses of a variety of readings, as well as editorial input into the work of other students. You will also increase your own self-reflexivity through a written analysis of their voice and creative process.
The skills introduced in this module will be developed in the Script Development module in the second term.
Copywriting and Writing for Social Media
This module will introduce students to the theory and practice of copywriting to students. They will explore a broad range of copywriting briefs and examine the issues involved in the production of good copy. The module will provide a supportive and creative context in which students can experiment with, develop, and refine their writing and copywriting skills, and develop a good understanding of professional industry contexts in which they are employed.
Signs and Symbols
This module explores the use of symbolism in fiction, drama and poetry. Symbolism in literature, as well as on stage and in audio and visual media, lends additional meaning to an action, setting, or object. This module discusses how choices regarding symbolism contribute to narrative voice and enhance the mood and meaning of a creative piece.
Topics include an introduction to semiotics, symbol webs, metaphor, mise en scene, simile, imagery, allegory and archetype. The module explores ways to employ symbolism in prose and poetry, as well as audio and visual scripts.
Students will gain not only a theoretical understanding of symbolism, but also experiment with ways to make symbolism work within their own writing.
Mental Wealth: Professional life: Agency 2
Best learning experiences follow a 'learning by doing' approach followed by reflection and assimilation. Building upon the competencies and skills identified at level 4, this module supports effective professional development through practical experience.
You will work on live project briefs to produce media content which is informed by appropriate research in the field of study.
Professional understandings and skills sets will be furthered through practical work enabling you to strengthen key graduate skills such as teamwork, organisation skills, digital skills, effective communication, and professionalism.
Through reflective practice, you will evaluate your ongoing progress as a learner and as a practising professional.
Script Development
This module builds on the knowledge gathered in Introduction to Scriptwriting. It takes the student through the script development process, from initial idea to final product. It looks in detail at structures and templates for a variety of media, and ways of creating characters capable of driving the plot. It examines technical forms and formats, as well as the scripting and rewriting process.
Students will produce successive drafts of a script, employing the scriptwriting concepts and techniques introduced in the module. They will hone their critical skills through analyses of a variety of readings, as well as editorial input into the work of other students. They will also increase their own self-reflexivity through a written analysis of their voice and creative process.
Practice as Research/Research Methods
Subject to validation.
Year 3
Book Publishing 1: Content
Book Publishing 1 examines theory and practice in several modes of creative writing, at an advanced level. These include poetry, screenwriting, fiction, creative non-fiction and playwriting. Through refinement of skills and advancement of practice, students will specialise in particular forms, and will be expected to demonstrate professional standards in their writing. Students will prepare work for publication, which will form the material for use in Book Publishing 2.
Transmedia and Digital Futures
In this module, you will examine various theories both on transmedia storytelling as well as on complex narratives that underpin these types of intercompositional narratives, analysing the impact of convergence culture on the way in which we produce and consume media.
The module encourages you to employ experimental and imaginative approaches to concept, process and final realisation of your projects - skills essential to the creation of digital artworks and to the creative industries in general. It also provides you with a greater awareness of the creative context in which to locate their work. You will produce a transmedia narrative working across multiple platforms and formats, including but not limited to video, sound, music, animation, and photography.
Book Publishing 2
Book Publishing 2 takes students through the process of publishing their own work, produced in Term 1, and assisting others in the publication of theirs. Students will work in editorial teams to go through an extensive process of editing their work and that of others; revising their work to editorial input; developing publishing skills such as design and typesetting; and working as part of a team. Every student will end up with a hard copy of their own published work.
Final Major Project: Realisation
Building on the work of FT6021, you will realise your ideas through creative production of original and innovative negotiated concept and outcomes that are relevant to your career aspirations and specialism.
You will have the opportunity to produce a final major project that will primarily rely upon negotiated guidance in order to promote and develop your transition into working life.
You will have the opportunity to identify, develop, reflect upon and finalise projects that will create and build a signature for your exit portfolio.
Advanced Practice & Innovation: Experimental Project
Subject to validation