What you will study
Please note that this is an indicative list of modules and is not intended as a definitive list. Those listed here may also be a mixture of core and optional modules.
Year 1
In your first year you will become familiar with a wide range of entrepreneurship related concepts. You will be introduced to the concept of innovation management and how this is different from standard strategic management theories and practices. You'll gain an understanding of the main concepts and management tools for innovation activities within organisations - from small to large.
Core modules
Managing Marketing Information
30 credits
This module is about managing marketing information. This not only requires various mathematical techniques such as statistical measures, but also is highly dependent on information technology (IT) for the gathering, summarising and communicating of this information. The module introduces students to modelling data in spreadsheets, analysing and querying such data and presenting it in a variety of methods including graphically, textually and online. This module is designed to support students' other marketing studies and culminates in a piece of synoptic assessment across this module and Marketing Principles. It is delivered using a problem-centric approach in a computer laboratory, emphasising the application of mathematical techniques with the aid of IT, and the employability skills associated with this.
Innovation Management
30 credits
Organisations with a strong, consistent and successful focus on managing innovation outperform their competitors in terms of growth and financial performance. Innovation management requires special knowledge and skills, which are different to standard strategic management theories and practices. This module introduces you to the main concepts and management tools for innovation activities within organisations - from small to large. The module develops a deep understanding of the role and relevance of innovation within all kinds of organisations and you are asked to identify critical issues, skills and knowledge needed to implement innovation activities or projects.
The module will use a combination of learning and teaching strategies, such as case studies and practical examples of latest examples of innovations. Within this module you are required to carry out a practical innovation audit within an established organisation, actively engaged in innovation.
Business Design Thinking I
30 credits
This module aims to give students the knowledge and understanding of creative and business behaviours necessary for developing a product/service and establishing an innovative multidisciplinary business enterprise. Students will work in teams to set up a business. Business mentors will be available to coach the teams. The module will enable students to understand the importance of using local and international networks to acquire the critical resources needed to create new ventures.
Business Design Thinking is taught in three consecutive modules (Business Design Thinking I, II & III). In Business Design Thinking I, students generate new business ideas through opportunity identification and problem framing. In Business Design Thinking II, students progress to concept development and test the portfolio of ideas generated during their first year of their studies. Finally, in Business Design Thinking III, students progress into the implementation of their selected and tested idea(s).
In Business Design Thinking I, students learn to identify problems, customer needs and business opportunities through the use of creativity and new ideas generation techniques such as brainstorming, scenario building, attribute listing, mind mapping and role playing. Students also exposed to various case studies of successful cases of structured ideation within a corporate environment.
Enterprise Finance and Accounting Principles
30 credits
This module focuses on the specific accounting and financial management issues that affect entrepreneurial and smaller enterprises. There are special legal and accounting requirements for smaller businesses as well as unique financing opportunities which are considered. By using industry tools to track the financial health of an enterprise, students will develop the necessary skills to budget and forecast as well as to track profitability and monitor cash flow, expenses and income. Their ability to apply theories and methodologies of cash management will be assessed using a written exam and an assignment that will require them to apply practical tools and techniques to real business situations. Formative feedback on their performance will be given in tutorials and lab-based sessions
Year 2
In your second year you will develop the skills, knowledge and practical experience required to respond to the challenges involved in managing technological developments. You'll take a look at technologies which underpin solutions to the problems encountered by startup companies such as issues related to website design, web development and mobile app development.
Core modules
Entrepreneurship and Strategic Growth
30 credits
The potential for growth is a defining feature of entrepreneurial SME's. This module is concerned with the issues and decisions that the entrepreneur must consider in successfully managing the growth and development of a new venture. The module is designed to cover four broad and interrelated issues: a) the process of business growth of SMEs, b) barriers to business growth of firms; c) internal strategies for the growth of firms, and d) external strategies for the growth of SMEs. The module will draw on the literature on entrepreneurship to provide the basis for a critical understanding of the concepts and strategies for entrepreneurial venture growth and development.
Contemporary Project Management
30 credits
The contemporary business environment is characterised by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity, which calls for a balanced and flexible way of managing project work. Hence awareness and confident application of various methodologies and approaches fitting specific project and organisational context are essential for project management specialists today. The module introduces several popular project and product delivery frameworks, such as classic, PRINCE2, Agile, and Scrum. The ultimate goal is to provide balanced coverage of popular methodologies and enable project management specialists to choose the one that best fits their project/organisational profile in every situation.
Business Design Thinking II
30 credits
This module aims to give students the knowledge and understanding of creative and business behaviours necessary for developing a product/service and establishing an innovative multidisciplinary business enterprise. Students will work in teams to set up a business. Business mentors will be available to coach the teams. The module will enable students to understand the importance of using local and international networks to acquire the critical resources needed to create new ventures.
This module builds on Business Design Thinking I, where students generate new business ideas through opportunity identification and problem framing. In Business Design Thinking II, students progress to concept development and test the portfolio of ideas generated during their first year of their studies. The module is delivered in the Kingston Business Incubator.
The Business Design Thinking II module focuses on the core processes of testing and prototyping and their critical role in the successful commercialisation of ideas. It provides students with the knowledge necessary for developing a product/service and establishing and effectively testing the viability of the product/service through lean start-up methodology. Through prototyping, testing and experiments, students select one idea from their Ideas Portfolio (generated in the Business Design Thinking I module) to progress to implementation in the final year of their studies. Methods of testing and prototyping include stimulation, 3D printing and prototype design in a virtual environment. Students will also conduct market analysis to complement their decision to select a particular idea.
Optional modules
Employee Relations
30 credits
The focus of this module is the relationship between employers and employees. We examine the nature of this relationship and the significance of its key features for the relative power and position of the two main parties. We consider how the employment relationship is regulated and controlled and the resulting outcomes for employers and employees alike. In this regard, the role of trade unions, new employment relations actors such as Citizens Advice, and internal company human resource management systems are scrutinised and discussed. The impact of government legislation on employee relations outcomes and processes is also examined, as are other contextual influences such as the business environment, labour market and technological trends.
In addition to analysing general developments in employee relations, the module examines specific themes and aspects such as the management of discipline and dismissal and health and safety, and the employment experience of particular groups of workers (for example women and migrant workers).
International Business and Culture
30 credits
This module is a core requirement for students studying the HND in Business. It aims to introduce you to the international environment within which businesses operate and to provide you with appropriate conceptual models to enable you to apply the learning to understand and analyse real world international business decisions.
Marketing Communications and Advertising
30 credits
This module focuses on the creation of effective integrated marketing communications plans. You will learn about the different elements of the communications mix, such as advertising, public relations and digital marketing, and how they can work together to produce powerful campaigns. While underpinned by marketing communications theory, the module develops practical skills that would be particularly useful for those considering a career in marketing communications or advertising, such as writing communication briefs, presentations and producing communication plans. The module is delivered using a combination of lectures, in-class exercises, case studies and guest speakers, and there is a strong emphasis on participation in the classroom.
Professional Selling
15 credits
The module builds on your marketing knowledge by developing your understanding of the theory and application of Professional Selling & Sales Management. Effective selling adds to shareholder value and enhances the return on investment of marketing expenditure. You will understand how to recruit, motivate and manage salespeople as the key professional selling resource, including how to balance people with finance and other resources. The module also develops your understanding of the role that IT plays in informing sales strategy development and in the structured sales planning process. The module will be of particular benefit to those aiming to develop a career in this area across the business, professional and consumer contexts. The module will combine a mix of interactive instructor-led lectures and workshops, and student-led learning activities including case study discussions and presentations.
Financial Investments
15 credits
This module is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the field of investment. The main topics covered include: the UK stock market, stock valuation, investment strategies for equities, financial derivatives, portfolio diversification, optimal portfolio construction and financial risk management. Students will use the dedicated Bloomberg dealing room and software packages to access real-time financial data. Teaching consists of traditional lectures, and also lab sessions where hands-on practical exercises are provided. The module is assessed via the Bloomberg Market Concept (BMC) certificate and two coursework where students are required to construct and manage financial solutions for a specific period.
Developing Web Applicants for Business
15 credits
This module introduces the principles of Information Architecture (IA), equipping students with the knowledge, skills and technologies required to design a typical information architecture solution that works using web technologies. Students will gain experience in designing and implementing prototype solution using server-side scripting languages and database servers. The sessions will be interactive and include a mix of teacher-led learning, problem-solving, and student-led learning.
Data Analytics for Business
15 credits
The aim of this module is to give students a foundation in the uses of data analytics for business. It aims at a critical understanding of issues regarding the collection of data and the correct application of statistical techniques in a business context. The module introduces students to analytical tools and including inferential data analysis to support business decision-making. The module builds upon the skills gained during the first year and develops students' abilities for problem articulation, analysis, and evaluation. Students will develop and extend their technical skills to reflect those required in the workplace and will also develop an appreciation of the quality of data, the meaning of findings and the limitations of model building. This will enable students to make decisions on a more informed basis. Teaching will be via a mixture of lectures and tutorials based around lab sessions and make use of online software, materials and assessment.
Rapid App Development for Business
15 credits
This module introduces the principles of rapid app development, equipping students with the knowledge, skills and technologies required to quickly develop a typical information architecture solution that works using low or no code technologies. Students will gain experience in designing and implementing prototype solution using one of the most popular no-code environments, Mendix. The sessions will be interactive and include a mix of teacher-led learning, problem-solving, and student-led learning.
Business Decision Modelling
15 credits
This module is designed to equip students with an advanced set of analytical data modelling tools, including optimisation, prediction and simulation, to effectively manage and support business decision-making. The module extends students' skillsets developed in the first year to include problem analysis, model building, application, and evaluation, to reflect the technical skills required in the workplace. Teaching will be via a mixture of lectures and tutorials based around lab sessions and make use of online software, materials and assessment.
Year 3
In your final year you will implement your tested idea(s) by launching your own business and learn how to finance your ventures. You will develop an understanding of how venture capital funds, business angels and crowdfunding platforms work; how firms become investment ready, raise external finance and how they finally exit. You will understand the importance of using local and international networks to acquire the critical resources needed to create your new venture(s).
Core modules
Entrepreneurial Marketing
30 credits
Undertaking the practice of marketing in an entrepreneurial setting is profoundly different to marketing in established companies. Extremely fast pace of change, lack of resources and people, undeveloped markets and product development problems are just some of the challenges entrepreneurs face. This module will prepare students for developing and implementing successful innovative marketing strategies for their ventures.
The module will introduce students to core marketing concepts such as segmentation, targeting and positioning, which are as important to new ventures as they are to established companies. The principles of effective operational marketing will also be covered - pricing, distribution and marketing communications. Students will critically evaluate the role that brands play in delivering value to customers and competitive advantage to firms. The role and importance of sales is also closely examined. New tactics like growth hacking are revolutionizing how digital start-ups approach growth challenges. Therefore, a special emphasis will be on how digital technologies enable entrepreneurial marketing for new ventures.
Fundraising and Pitching
30 credits
Venture capital and Business Angel finance has been the driving force behind some of the most vibrant sectors of the economy. Companies famous for receiving venture capital or business angel funding early in their development include Apple, Microsoft, Google and Amazon. US and Western Europe no longer dominate the industry and emerging countries such as China, India and Russia are fast catching up. Recently, the explosion of Crowdfunding platforms has signalled a new era for the innovation finance industry. This module analyses all stages of the funding ladder for innovative companies, from Crowdfunding, Business Angels, Venture Capital, and Private Equity to IPO or M&A. It examines the main forms of innovation finance and the investment process; how private equity and venture capital funds, business angels and crowdfunding platforms work; how firms become investment ready, raise external finance and how to they finally exit. Students also learn about wider framework conditions that have a bearing on business innovation, including availability of finance for innovation, public policies and agencies promoting innovation.
Business Design Thinking III
30 credits
This module aims to give students the knowledge and understanding of creative and business behaviours necessary for developing a product/service and establishing an innovative multidisciplinary business enterprise. Students will work in teams to set up a business. Business mentors will be available to coach the teams. The module will enable students to understand the importance of using local and international networks to acquire the critical resources needed to create new ventures.
Business Design Thinking is taught in three consecutive modules (Business Design Thinking I, II & III). In Business Design Thinking I, students generate new business ideas through opportunity identification and problem framing. In Business Design Thinking II, students' progress to concept development and test the portfolio of ideas generated during their first year of their studies. Finally, in Business Design Thinking III, students' progress into the implementation of their selected and tested idea(s). All the occurrences of this module are delivered in the Kingston Business Incubator.
In Business Design Thinking III students will establish their own companies as individual founders or as part of a founding team. Business mentors will be available to coach the teams.
Optional modules
Psychology for Business and Management
30 credits
Psychology is a diverse scientific discipline comprising several major branches of research which study the mind and behaviour from different angles. Among these major branches of research, some produce knowledge which are highly relevant for business and management. The application of psychology to business and management issues occurs in several subareas of applied psychology, such as business psychology and, more recently, behavioural science.
Organisational Learning and Development
30 credits
This capstone module addresses the need for learning and development (L&D) to be a strategic business function in order to enhance both individual performance and organisational success. Drawing upon knowledge acquired from a range of other modules (eg. Introduction to HRM, Organisational Behaviour; Strategic HRM and Strategic Management) students will learn how to provide development opportunities that have been carefully analysed, designed, delivered and evaluated, supported by an understanding of learning theory. The module will also enable students to contribute to the development of coaching and mentoring activities within organisations.
Data-Driven Decision Making
30 credits
This module is designed to equip students with an advanced set of analytical and technical tools, including inferential data analysis, optimisation, prediction and simulation, to effectively manage and support business decision-making. The module builds upon the skills gained during the first year and develops students' abilities for problem analysis, model building, application, and evaluation. Students will develop and extend their technical skills to reflect those required in the workplace. Teaching will be via a mixture of lectures and tutorials based around lab sessions and make use of online software, materials and assessment
Professional Selling
15 credits
The module builds on your marketing knowledge by developing your understanding of the theory and application of Professional Selling & Sales Management. Effective selling adds to shareholder value and enhances the return on investment of marketing expenditure. You will understand how to recruit, motivate and manage salespeople as the key professional selling resource, including how to balance people with finance and other resources. The module also develops your understanding of the role that IT plays in informing sales strategy development and in the structured sales planning process. The module will be of particular benefit to those aiming to develop a career in this area across the business, professional and consumer contexts. The module will combine a mix of interactive instructor-led lectures and workshops, and student-led learning activities including case study discussions and presentations.
Financial Investments
15 credits
This module is designed to provide students with a broad understanding of the field of investment. The main topics covered include: the UK stock market, stock valuation, investment strategies for equities, financial derivatives, portfolio diversification, optimal portfolio construction and financial risk management. Students will use the dedicated Bloomberg dealing room and software packages to access real-time financial data. Teaching consists of traditional lectures, and also lab sessions where hands-on practical exercises are provided. The module is assessed via the Bloomberg Market Concept (BMC) certificate and two coursework where students are required to construct and manage financial solutions for a specific period.
Developing Web Applicants for Business
15 credits
This module introduces the principles of Information Architecture (IA), equipping students with the knowledge, skills and technologies required to design a typical information architecture solution that works using web technologies. Students will gain experience in designing and implementing prototype solution using server-side scripting languages and database servers. The sessions will be interactive and include a mix of teacher-led learning, problem-solving, and student-led learning.
Data Analytics for Business
15 credits
The aim of this module is to give students a foundation in the uses of data analytics for business. It aims at a critical understanding of issues regarding the collection of data and the correct application of statistical techniques in a business context. The module introduces students to analytical tools and including inferential data analysis to support business decision-making. The module builds upon the skills gained during the first year and develops students' abilities for problem articulation, analysis, and evaluation. Students will develop and extend their technical skills to reflect those required in the workplace and will also develop an appreciation of the quality of data, the meaning of findings and the limitations of model building. This will enable students to make decisions on a more informed basis. Teaching will be via a mixture of lectures and tutorials based around lab sessions and make use of online software, materials and assessment.
Business Decision Modelling
15 credits
This module is designed to equip students with an advanced set of analytical data modelling tools, including optimisation, prediction and simulation, to effectively manage and support business decision-making. The module extends students' skillsets developed in the first year to include problem analysis, model building, application, and evaluation, to reflect the technical skills required in the workplace. Teaching will be via a mixture of lectures and tutorials based around lab sessions and make use of online software, materials and assessment.
Rapid App Development for Business
15 credits
This module introduces the principles of rapid app development, equipping students with the knowledge, skills and technologies required to quickly develop a typical information architecture solution that works using low or no code technologies. Students will gain experience in designing and implementing prototype solution using one of the most popular no-code environments, Mendix. The sessions will be interactive and include a mix of teacher-led learning, problem-solving, and student-led learning.