The course is designed to give you expertise in a broad range of sport, health and exercise sciences as well as in key business disciplines including management, marketing, organisational behaviour and entrepreneurship.
The Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences with Business Studies degree consists of compulsory and optional modules and a final dissertation.
This course can be studied 3 years full-time, 3 years full-time with placement or 4 years full-time with placement, starting in September.
Year 1
- SP1605 - Fundamentals of Biomechanics
- This module will enable you to gain elementary scientific foundations of knowledge in the biomechanical principles underpinning human movement, to develop your knowledge and understanding of the measurement tools used to obtain key measures of human movement and forces; and to develop your appreciation of your utility and limitations.
- SP1607 - Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology
- This module will provide you with a foundational knowledge of human anatomy and physiology in relation to sport, health and exercise contexts, raise awareness of key theories, principles and processes as that you can apply to sport, health and exercise-related activities. You'll also learn to engender an appreciation of how learned theories, principles and concepts may be applied in an interdisciplinary manner.
- MG1011 - Introduction to Management Enquiry
- This module introduces students to fundamentals of business and management with the focus on a number of key concepts. This includes subjects such as understanding organisational planning with a focus on the foundations of decision, organisational structure and design and managing human resources, leadership, trust, and managing communication, information and operations.
- SP1706 - Introduction to Research Methods and Data Analysis
- The aim of this study block is to enhance students’ existing study skills and introduce conventions of good academic practice. In addition, the content is designed to familiarise students with a range of quantitative and qualitative research skills.
- SP1600 - Introduction to the Psychology of Sport and Exercise
- This module aims to equip students with a preliminary understanding of key psychological concepts in relation to sport and exercise contexts; including how factors such as anxiety, motivation, and confidence impact sports performance. During laboratory-based sessions, students are encouraged to analyse, evaluate, create and apply knowledge to hypothetical and/or real-world scenarios.
- MG1051 - Organisational Behaviour and Analysis
- This module introduces students to the study of organisations. It outlines key sociological and psychological perspectives used to analyse organisations and occupational groups. Students encounter core topics including organisational design, bureaucracy and contingency theory. Theory and practice are linked via seminars, case study discussions and reflections on students’ experience of organisations.
- SP1603 - Personal and Professional Development
- The aim of this module is to introduce and prepare students for a range of knowledge, skills and understanding expected in working environments. The study block supports students in the development of their ability to evaluate the transferable skills acquired in their programme of study and their applicability to work settings.
- SP1602 - Physical Activity, Health and Wellbeing
- This modules aims to introduce theoretical, conceptual and methodological approaches to promoting, delivering and measuring physical activity for health and wellbeing. The module supports students to identify and understand different contexts in which physical activity is delivered for health and wellbeing.
- MG1062 - Principles and Practice of Marketing
- This module focuses on developing an understanding of concepts of marketing, marketing mix principles and practices. It also aims to develop students’ awareness of skills needed and ethical issues in marketing.
Year 2
- SP2720 - Developing Research Methods and Data Analysis Skills
- The aim of this study block is to develop students’ understanding of the nature of different research models as well as their quantitative and qualitative research skills. Students will have the opportunity to formulate research questions and determine appropriate methods that are related to their final-year project.
- SP2600 - Graduate and Transferable Skills
- The aim of this module is to introduce a range of knowledge and skills expected within working environments. Students will develop their ability to engage in self-appraisal through a personal development plan to identify learning needs in the context of work settings.
- SP2603 - Physical Activity, Health and Wellbeing in the Life Course
- This module aims to develop students’ ability to examine and apply selected theories and concepts of physical activity for health and wellbeing in the life course. Students will also discover and understand the multidisciplinary nature of physical activity, health and wellbeing.
- SP2604 - Biomechanics of Human Movement
- This module aims to allow students to gain proficiency in calculating and explaining common biomechanical measures that are used to assess human movement. Students will be introduced to biomechanical concepts and gain hands-on experience with measurement equipment and analysis techniques related to the assessment of human movement.
- MG2133 - Human Resource Management and its International Dimensions
- The aim of this module is to introduce students to issues, debates, and controversies relating to the field of Human Resource Management. The module intends to develop students’ awareness of people management issues within and outside the workplace. The people management issues are set against the background of national and international issues that affect HRM policies and practices.
- MG2129 - Managing Change and Creativity
- Companies that want to successfully ride the wave of the knowledge economy must always consider ideas as the most precious commodity and employees who produce them as sought after resources. There is increased recognition that the competitive advantage of organisations depends heavily on their ability to capitalise on their employees’ ideas. The value of creativity as a means of enhancing communication, promoting organisational learning, as well as helping the development of new ideas, solutions and alternatives, is therefore of high importance. With constant change becoming the accepted norm, this module will also examine how organisations cope with the process and outcomes of change.
- MG2048 - Marketing Communications
- This module aims to explore the concepts associated with marketing communications, to help students develop an appreciation of the key characteristics of the main tools of the communications mix, and to introduce elements of communication theory and to set it in the context of marketing communications.
- SP2605 - Physiology of Sport and Exercise
- The aim of this module is to provide an overview of the body’s immediate response to, and recovery from, a single bout of exercise. Students will critically analyse and interpret experimental data. This will illustrate how the physiological systems of the body respond over time and adapt to the stress of repeated bouts of exercise, including how the body adjusts to environmental extremes (e.g. heat, cold and altitude).
- SP2606 - The Psychology of Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity: Theory and Application
- This module supports students to synthesise and critically evaluate contemporary sport and exercise psychology research. Topics covered include individual differences, exercise and cognitive function, decision-making and attention. Students also have the opportunity to showcase their own research project, for which they collect data as part of a team.
Year 3
- SP3600 - Advanced Research Methods and Data Analysis: Final Year Project
- Students will carry out an individual, original piece of academic work within an area of personal interest in a particular topic within the context of sport, health and exercise sciences. Students can choose their own approach to the project, which is most suited to their skills, interests and subject focus.
- SP3605 - Employability and Professional Development
- The aim of this module is to continue to improve students’ professional development and employability through critical reflexive practice, personal responsibility and autonomy. Specifically, the module encourages the development of leadership and management skills that are valued in graduate-level employment contexts and enable students to produce strong applications for graduate-level jobs and/or courses of further study.
- SP3604 - Issues in Physical Activity, Health and Wellbeing
- The aim of this module is to select, critically analyse and apply interdisciplinary knowledge and methods to understanding physical activity, health and wellbeing. The module encourages students to engage in detailed critical analysis of current policy research and practice in the field of physical activity, health and wellbeing.
- SP3608 - Advanced Biomechanics of Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity
- Students will gain extensive hands-on experience in using the four main types of biomechanical analysis techniques (video motion analysis, force platform, electromyography, and isokinetic dynamometry). Students will develop skills in data analysis and interpretation, and graphical presentation of data through experiments carried out in the laboratory.
- SP3606 - Applied Sport and Exercise Psychology
- The aim of this module is to familiarise students with contemporary topics in applied sport and exercise psychology (e.g. imagery, anxiety and performance and exercise as a mental health intervention), as well as encouraging deep thinking about the links between research and applied practice. The content covers relevant concepts, theories and research to derive applied interventions.
- MG3009 - Entrepreneurship and Small Business Ventures
- This module is an integrative course addressing both the theoretical and practical issues of SME development with the aim to enhance students understanding and application of two main elements: Small Business Planning and Small Business Management.
- MG3018 - Gender and Organisations
- This module will introduce students to the issue of gender as a critical approach to the study of organizations. The module aims to provide students with a critical insight into the impact of gender on individuals' experience of the world of work. It seeks to introduce students to a number of gender perspectives, highlighting how each perspective conceptualises the issue of gender differently, presents a distinct account of gender inequality, and proposes different "solutions" to the "problem of gender" in organizations.
- MG3109 - Innovation and Knowledge Management
- This module is designed to give students an understanding of the role of knowledge assets as a key to corporate success and particularly in relation to innovation. It examines how organisations create, utilise and exploit knowledge in the globalising knowledge-based economy, and the wider social and economic factors affecting knowledge creation and transfer.
- SP3609 - Physiological Limitations to Human Performance
- The aim of this module is to provide sound knowledge of the physiological determinants of exercise performance, specifically focusing on the high-performance athlete. Students engage in detailed study of the physiological limitations to exercise and critically assess the influence of environmental extremes on exercise performance.