Year One
In order to complete this course, you must successfully complete all the following CORE modules (totalling 120 credits).
Introduction to Event and Experience Management
20 credits
This module is designed to introduce you to the concept of management in the context of events and experiences. The module encourages you to think about what skills, attributes and tasks that managers perform in different situations with the purpose of recognising what makes effective event and experience managers. This module aligns with the Programme Philosophy by providing an insight into the respective industries, integrating sessions from industry experts to facilitate this. The module balances theory and concepts, supporting you to reflect and apply this content into real life scenarios.
Introduction to Venue Management
20 credits
This introductory module furnishes you with a basic introduction to the main elements of Venue Management within Events. Beginning with an overview of the purpose, principles and practices of high performing Venue Managers students are then taught the five basic elements of outstanding Venue Management, namely; Operations Management, Human Resource Management, Financial Management, Promotions and Marketing and Facilities and Safety Management (Edger and Oddy 2018). The connectivity and inter-relationships between all essential elements are exposed and explained to furnish you with a ‘holistic’ appreciation of high performance in this area.
Finance for Managers
20 credits
This module will provide a gentle introduction to the world of accounting and finance for business managers of the future and is designed for those new to accounting or those studying on non-accounting related degree programmes.
Principles of Marketing
20 credits
Managing Teams in the Events Industry
20 credits
In this module you will explore theories, concepts and practice-based insights relating to high performing Eventing teams. Beginning with a behavioural overview of team dynamics you will learn about the structures and roles required in different Eventing contexts and scenarios. You will be introduced to the importance of labour/shift/team rostering and scheduling and the basics of contemporary HRM techniques relating to the successful recruitment, selection, induction, motivation and development of high performing Events teams. Towards the end of the module you will be introduced to the concepts of managerial styles within differing ‘team contexts’ and the theory of team lifecycles (form, storm, norm, perform, adjourn).
Building Your Brand
20 credits
This module is designed to introduce you to the concept of employability in the event, venue and experience industries. The module empowers you to build an external profile, experience base, and skill set to be proficient in applying for work experience and placement opportunities. This module aligns with the Programme Philosophy by providing an insight into the respective industries, integrating sessions from industry experts to facilitate this. The module balances theory and concepts, supporting the students to reflect and apply this content into real life scenarios.
Year Two
In order to complete this course, you must successfully complete all the following CORE modules (totalling 120 credits).
Live Event Experiences
20 credits
The aim of this module is to provide you with ‘real world’ event management experience. Integral to the module will be a focus on group work, enabling you to utilise your event management skills accrued at level 4 to exhibit decision making skills when choosing a viable event to execute, selecting an appropriate venue and promoting the event, and ultimately running their chosen event. The relevant literature is explored, but with a consistent view of the importance of applying theory and planning in practical business contexts.
Event Technologies and Digital Innovation
20 credits
The aim of this module is to provide you with an in depth knowledge of current and future trends in technology and digital innovation in the context of events. Integral to the module will be a focus on learning event management software which can be utilised in ‘real life’ scenarios. The relevant literature is explored, but with a consistent view of the importance of applying theory and planning in practical event, venue and experience contexts.
Venue Design and Supply Chain Management
20 credits
The aim of this module is to provide you with an in depth knowledge of the critical elements of venue design, and the impact of supply chain decisions on the success of a venue. Integral to the module will be the accrued knowledge of the three key supply chain decision phases and how you can apply this to the event, venue and experience contexts.
One Planet Issues
20 credits
Methods in Event Research and Project Management
20 credits
The aim of this module is to provide you with the knowledge, skills and insights to research a ‘live’ Events issue with a view to formulating practicable, impactful and value-added research project proposal which will be actioned in the final year. To this end you will be taught the key stages of methods in Events Research (i.e. identify question and objectives, isolate key literature and conceptual frameworks, select appropriate research methodology, collect and analyse data and write up a compelling report).
Personal Development as an EVE Manager
20 credits
Final Year
In order to complete this course, you must successfully complete all the following CORE modules (totalling 60 credits).
Managing Emotions in the Events Industry
20 credits
In this module you will be introduced to the theory of human emotion and its application – within the context of Events – to both employees and customers. Following consideration of the psychology of emotion (the pleasure/valence model and neurological science underpinning feelings and behaviour) you will consider how super-performance within Events is driven through driving emotional connectivity, first with employees and second – interconnected – with customers. With regard to staff concepts such as the Emotional Climate of Organisations, Emotional Buy-In and Emotional Intelligence will be considered in relation to creating outstanding service personification for Events (i.e. where the staff really personify the values and culture of the Event).
Consideration then moves onto how organisations – within the context of ‘emotional mobilisation’ – design Evocative Experiences that sear themselves onto the memories and recall of all Event goers. A range of evaluative methods are advanced to help students calibrate and measure the emotional impact of Events, leading to improvements in key sensory cues and ‘moments of truth’ at every stage of the customer journey that continually improve the Events Experience for all participants.
Strategic Management
20 credits
CSR and Safety in the Events Industry
20 credits
In order to complete this course a student must choose ONE of the following optional project routes (totalling 40 credits):
Business Advice Project (Major)
40 credits
Business Research Project (Major)
40 credits
Business Start-Up Project (Major)
40 credits
Community Advice Project (Major)
40 credits
Employability Project (Major)
40 credits
Economics Research Project (Major)
40 credits
Business Research Methodology and Practice + Business Research Project
40 credits
Business Research Methodology and Practice + Business Start-Up Project
40 credits
Business Research Methodology and Practice + Community Advice Project
40 credits
In order to complete this course a student must successfully complete at least 20 credits from the following indicative list of OPTIONAL modules.
Experiential Customer Marketing
20 credits
Operational and Process Improvement in Events
20 credits
Legal Contracts and Bidding in Events
20 credits
All core modules are guaranteed to run. Optional modules will vary from year to year and the published list is indicative only.