Program structure
Year 1 Modules
Semester 1
PRP-1001: Research Methods I (20) or
PCC-1002: Cyflwyniad i Ymchwil (20 credy (20)
PPP-1003: Scientific Writing & Comm I (10) or
PCC-1008: Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieithog (10)
JXH-1054: Human Physiology (20)
JXH-1055: Foundations Sports/Exercise (20)
Semester 2
PRP-1002: Research Methods II (20) or
PCC-1004: Datblygu sgiliau ymchwil (20)
PPP-1005: Brain & Mind (10)
PPP-1006: Scientific Writing & Comm II (10) or
PCC-1009: Sgiliau Academaidd Dwyieith II (10)
JXH-1054: Human Physiology
JXH-1055: Foundations Sports/Exercise
Optional Modules
10 credits from:
PPP-1007: Learning to be Happy (10) (Semester 1)
JXH-1052: Professional Life Skills (10) (Semester 1)
JXH-1062: Work Placement (2 weeks) (15) (Semester 1)
JXH-1062 is an elective module
Year 2 Modules
Semester 1
PRP-2001: Research Methods III (20) or
PCC-2001: Dulliau Ymchwil III (20)
PPP-2010: Social Psychology (10) or
PCC-2007: Seicoleg Gymdeithasol (10)
JXH-2020: Motor Control & Learning (10)
JXH-2022: Psychology of Sport Perf (10)
JXH-2041: Project Proposal (20) or
JXC-2041: Cynnig Prosiect Ymchwil (20)
Semester 2
PRP-2002: Research Methods IV (20) or
PCC-2002: Dulliau Ymchwil IV (20)
PPP-2011: Developmental Psychology (10) or
PCC-2011: Seicoleg Datblygol (10)
PPP-2013: Biological Psychology (10)
JXH-2037: Exercise Psychology (10)
JXH-2041: Project Proposal or
JXC-2041: Cynnig Prosiect Ymchwil
Year 3 Modules
Semester 1
JXH-3001: Research Project (40) or
JXC-3001: Prosiect Ymchwil (40)
JXH-3031: Stress & Performance (10) or
JXC-3031: Straen a Pherfformiad (10)
JXH-3033: Research in Psychological Skil (10) or
JXC-3033: Ymchwil mewn Sgiliau Seicolego (10)
Semester 2
Optional Modules
50 credits from:
PLP-3001: Applied Behaviour Analysis (20) (Semester 1)
PMP-3001: Mindfulness (20) (Semester 2)
PSP-3001: Forensic Psychology (20) (Semester 1)
PHP-3002: Psychology of Addictive Behavi (20) (Semester 1)
PLP-3002: Brain and Language (20) (Semester 2)
PSP-3002: Evolution and Human Social Beh (20) (Semester 2)
PLP-3003: Evidence-based Educational Met (20) (Semester 1)
PPP-3003: Brain Develop & Degeneration (20) (Semester 2)
PCP-3004: Cognitive Neuroscience (20) (Semester 2)
PPP-3004: Born to Run: Achieve your Goal (20) (Semester 2)
PSP-3004: The Social Brain (20) (Semester 1)
PLP-3005: Disorders of Literacy: Diagnos (20) (Semester 2)
PPP-3005: Children, Families & Society (20) (Semester 2) or
PCC-3008: Plant Teuluoedd A'r Gymdeithas (20) (Semester 2)
PCP-3008: Psychoacoustics & Aud Neuro (20) (Semester 1)
PHP-3008: Counselling Skills (20) (Semester 1)
PPP-3009: Neuroaesthetics: Combining sci (20) (Semester 1) or
PCC-3009: Niwroestheteg: (20) (Semester 1)
PHP-3011: The Body in the Mind (20) (Semester 2)
JXH-3037: App Sport Sci of Elite Perf (10) (Semester 2)
JXH-3047: Disability Sport & Rehab (10) (Semester 2)
JXH-3048: Exercise for Clinical Populati (10) (Semester 1)
JXH-3050: Skill Acquisition (10) (Semester 2)
JXH-3085: Outdoor Adventure Therapy (10) (Semester 2)