Program structure
Year 1 Compulsory Modules:
Discover Economics
The module will provide an overview of economics and economic systems and the key theoretical foundations of microeconomics and macroeconomics.
Principles of Management and Organisations
This module will provide an introduction to business, management and organisations. Organisations are key to the way in which we organise society, and a study of organisations is central to developing an understanding not only of business and management, but of many other aspects of our lives. The module explores the context of business, the organisation of work and nature of management.
Business Analytics
This module will focus on manipulation of algebraic expressions, collection and presentation of data, producing descriptive statistics, measuring uncertainty using probability, estimating confidence intervals, hypothesis testing and investigating association and causality.
Principles of Financial Accounting
This module introduces book-keeping skills and techniques and also includes accounting concepts and conventions which guide corporate accounting practice.
Principles of Management Accounting
The management accounting section of this module encompasses marginal analysis; full costing; marginal and costing profit statements; and cash budgets.
Year 2 Compulsory Modules:
Operations Strategy Enterprise
Operations Strategy is the highest level of Operations Management that deals with plans and decisions that shape the long-term capabilities of an organisation in the course of designing, producing and distributing products and services. The themes that will be explored in the module include predominantly strategy within the firm for improving operations.
Management Planning and Co-ordination
This module aims to develop the practical and co-ordinating skills needed by managers. This will include working in groups, with a focus on time management, organising and conducting meetings and other forms of communication, together with co-ordinating management functions and tasks. The module will involve a field trip to a professional football club, where students will be working in groups on various tasks and management scenarios (students will be required to make a financial contribution to the cost of travel, accommodation and subsistence of the field trip).
Law for Business
This module will introduce the legal system of England and Wales, providing a framework to study ‘What is Law’. It will provide an outline of the essential differences between common law and civil law systems. It will also introduce Employment Law, and the understanding of Contracts of Employment and elements of dismissal and Redundancy.
Financial Reporting
This module will provide advanced coverage of financial accounting and financial reporting, by examining the objectives and contents of selected key international accounting and financial reporting standards. The focus will be on the presentation of financial statements for publication, consolidated financial statements for groups of companies, equity accounting for associated companies, and tangible and intangible non-current and current assets.
Strategic Management Accounting
This module covers budgets and pricing for planning. Decision making; Standard costing and budgetary systems to help control the organisation and various aspects of performance measurement. These will provide the knowledge to apply advanced management accounting techniques in organisations.
Year 3 Compulsory Modules:
Strategic Management
This module will introduce students to the concepts of strategic management in the context of a rapidly changing organisational environment. It will explore the key frameworks in strategic management, the external environment, internal environment, strategy formulation, implementation and control.
Enterprise, Creativity and Innovation
This module will provide a detailed insight into the concepts of entrepreneurship and the role of small firms within the economy. To recognise the importance of entrepreneurs and small firms as the lifeblood of an economy, and their contribution to innovation, wealth creation and employment.
This module will develop knowledge and understanding of the principles and practices of external and internal auditing in the context of both the UK and the international regulatory framework. It will focus on theoretical, regulatory, and ethical background to both internal and external auditing. Furthermore, ensuring an understanding of the risk assessment in the context of internal and external audit and determine material misstatements.
Advanced Accounting Theory & Practice
One semester of this module focuses on advanced accounting practice and the other semester of this module provides a discussion of the various theories of financial accounting and explores their relevance to the study, practice, and regulation of accounting.
This module will critically analyse the place of taxation in the economy and the balance between equity and efficiency. It will also include analysing income tax and incentives to work and save; the role of capital taxation; the bases of taxation and investment incentives; reform of the tax system; and tax as a policy tool.
Course content is for guidance purposes only and may be subject to change.