Media studies at Bangor is unique in its close integration of academic and theoretical approaches with hands-on creative practice. Students in the School have the opportunity at all levels to combine a study of their chosen field with practice-based outcomes such as journalism, film and media/digital media production.
Practical modules will be assessed both on the practical output and on the individual’s ability to reflect critically on their practice. Media Practice modules concentrate on three key areas: studio production, single camera filming and editing, and radio production. Practical modules will be assessed both on the practical output and on the individual’s ability to reflect critically on their practice. Modules on film theory, film and culture, visual culture, analysing film and documentary are assessed by exam and assignment and frequently also offer the opportunity to submit practical work as an element of assessment. You will also take part in journalism virtual newsroom exercises, tasked with completing stories within a set time frame.
As you progress through the degree, much of your study will be done in small teaching groups with an emphasis on learning both group work skills and the ability to carry a piece of work through yourself from initial concept to completion.
The aim is to give you confidence, critical skills, strategic acumen, adaptability and potential to thrive in a range of media work environments and become a sough-after professional in a competitive field.
Year 1
Optional Modules
120 credits from:
- UXS-1000: Issues in Media and Journalism (20) (Semester 2)
- WXS-1000: Introduction to Playwriting (20) (Semester 1) or
- WXC-1000: Cyflwyniad i Ysgrifennu Drama (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-1001: Intro to Practical Journalism (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-1001: Cyfl. i Newyddiaduraeth Ymarf. (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-1018: Creative Practice (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXB-1018: Ymarfer Creadigol (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-1021: Intro to Studying Mass Culture (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXB-1021: Cyflwyniad i Astudio Diwyllian (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-1038: Intro' to Media Practice (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXC-1038: Cyf. i Ymarfer y Cyfryngau (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-1062: Film Language (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-1062: Iaith y Ffilm (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-1063: Film History (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-1066: Visual Cultures (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXB-1066: Diwylliant Gweledol (20) (Semester 2)
- WXM-1120: Theatre Making (20) (Semester 2) or
- WXC-1120: Dyfeisio Theatr (20) (Semester 2)V
Year 2
Optional Modules
120 credits from:
- UXS-2021: America on Film (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2033: Practical Digital Journalism (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-2033: Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2046: Media, Politics & Society (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-2052: Radio: Theory and Practice (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-2052: Radio Theori ac Ymarfer (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2053: Film Industry Development (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-2063: Digital Advertising 20 credits (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-2068: Practical Film Criticism (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2075: Short Film Production (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXC-2075: Cynhyrchu'r Ffilm Fer (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-2099: Research and Methods (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-2099: Dulliau Ymchwil (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2100: Digital Journalism & Society (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2121: Theatre and Performance: Self (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXB-2121: Theatr a Pherfformio: Yr Hunan (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-2123: Professional Practice (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXB-2123: Ymarfer Proffesiynol (20) (Semester 1)
- WXP-2307: Ensembles and Groups A (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-2402: Media History (20) (Semester 2)
- No core or compulsory modules, but modules might be subject to pre-requisites.
Year 3
Compulsory Modules
40 credits from:
- UXB-3900: Research Dissertation (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- UXB-3901: Creative Practice Dissertation (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
- UXB-3902: Enterprise Dissertation (40) (Semester 1 + 2)
Optional Modules
80 credits from:
- UXS-3019: America on Film (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3033: Practical Digital Journalism (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXC-3033: Newyddiaduraeth Ddigidol Ymarf (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-3036: E-Publishing (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3052: Advanced Radio Practice (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXC-3052: Ymarfer Radio Pellach (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3053: Film Industry Development (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3063: Digital Advertising 20 credits (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3074: Short Film Production (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXC-3074: Cynhyrchu'r ffilm fer (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3100: Digital Journalism & Society (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-3122: Theatre and Performance: Self (20) (Semester 2) or
- UXB-3122: Theatr a Pherfformio: Yr Hunan (20) (Semester 2)
- UXS-3123: Professional Practice (20) (Semester 1) or
- UXB-3123: Ymarfer Proffesiynol (20) (Semester 1)
- UXS-3402: Media History (20) (Semester 2)
- Some optional modules might be subject to pre-requisites