Engineering Practice
Learn skills involved in safety using engineering workshop machines and equipment and to develop an awareness of common manufacturing processes.
Engineering Mathematics
Acquire mathematical skills, concepts and understandings in order to perform calculations and solve problems within engineering contexts.
Engineering Fundamentals
Learn the basic fundamentals of a range of engineering disciplines.
Technical Literacy
Develop technical research skills along with oral, written, graphical and interpersonal communication skills.
Engineering CAD
Learn basic CAD draughting skills required for an engineering technician.
Develop a sound understanding of the principles of mechanics.
Material Properties
Gain an understanding of the characteristics and properties of common engineering materials used in mechanical and process engineering.
Electrical Fundamentals
Develop a sound knowledge of electrical and electronic theory and how these are applied to mechanical engineering systems.
Manufacturing Processes
Apply engineering knowledge to common manufacturing processes.
Strength of Materials 1
Develop an understanding of the essential elements of strengths of materials.
Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer
Develop a sound basic knowledge of thermodynamic principles – including gas laws, measurement of pressure and temperature, mass & energy conservation & energy sources in NZ content – and the mechanisms of heat transfer including the uses of heat exchanges.
Fluid Mechanics
Understand and apply the principles of fluid statistics and dynamics to common engineering problems.
Mechanics of Machines
Develop understanding to solve complex problems involved within machinery dynamics such as power transmission, balancing, noise and lubrications systems.
Strength of Materials 2
Develop an understanding and advanced knowledge of strengths of materials and the detailed design of mechanical engineering components.
Engineering Project (Mechanical)
Determine and apply the processes required to analyse mechanical engineering design problems and identify possible solutions.
Engineering Management
Develop the knowledge and skills required to administer and manage projects efficiently in a specific discipline of engineering.