This programme consists of 120 credits. The courses includes;
Photographic Practice 2A (30 Credits)
Develop advanced skills in photography as a medium to express creative ideas, and learn how to solves visual problems through idea generation, composition, lighting and using various equipment. This course will cover:
- Advanced camera skills
- Creative solutions to unfamiliar visual problems
- Industry appropriate lighting techniques
- Industry appropriate camera equipment and accessories (range may include but is not limited to, full-frame digital cameras, medium format digital cameras)
- Use of materials and techniques to enhance industry relevant photographic communication (covering subjects which may include but not limited to, formal and informal portraiture, wedding, families, children, graduation, product lighting setups, architecture, food, landscape, editorial, corporate, advertising, creative)
- Generate advanced visual ideas from research and analysis of initial brief leading to digital capture and progressing to resolution (range may include but need not be limited to: composition, digital manipulation, presentation and written component).
Digital Production 2A (15 Credits)
Gain advanced skills in communicating visual ideas, through understanding digital imaging technology. The course will cover:
- Intermediate manipulation of RAW files
- Advanced use of software relevant to the photographic industry
- Imported images are selected, manipulated and combined to meet the specified purpose,
- Advanced retouching techniques which may include but not limited to soft focus, skin smoothing, image detail replacement techniques, etc
- Advanced tonal and colour control using adjustment layers and layer masks,
- Advanced tools are used to produce a range of effects,
- Advanced selection techniques
- Advanced image compositing techniques which may include but not limited to duplicate layers, local selections feathering, layer masks and channel masks, blending layers, etc.
- Advanced digital image integration into design applications
- The advanced application of design elements, principles and processes to solve visual imaging problems
- The advanced use of relevant software to create, import and manipulate text, graphics and imagery
- Creation of advanced computer-based design layouts
- Advanced use of type (fonts, shape, point size, kerning, leading, weight, layout)
- Communicating through type
- Intermediate filming, lighting and camera techniques using DSLR cameras
- Intermediate storyboarding and narrative visual communication
- Framing and composition related to video
- Intermediate video post-production techniques and editing software
- Intermediate knowledge of specialist software in video and sound editing
- Sound recordings including how to get clean audio with background noise
Photographic Practice 2B (30 Credits)
Develop specialised skills in photography as a medium to express creative ideas. Learn how to solve visual problems through idea generation, composition, lighting and using various equipment. Create a portfolio of photographic work at a professional standard relevant to the photographic imaging industry.
Digital Production 2B (15 Credits)
Gain specialised skills in communicating visual ideas, through understanding digital imaging technology.
Photographic Communication 2C (15 Credits)
Gain knowledge and understanding of theories and histories significant to photography and related media. Analyse and discuss, visual semiotics and the construction of meaning in photographic images. Gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of selected photographers in their respective historical, social, and cultural contexts. Identify, research, reflect and discuss the appropriate historical and theoretical contexts for your own work.
Photographic Industry & Business 2C (15 Credits)
Gain specialised knowledge of intellectual property law and the copyright act in relation to photography in a New Zealand context. Develop an understanding of business management, control systems and operations. Evaluate the current photographic marketplace and generate strategies for career development and self-promotion.