This programme comprises 60 credits.
UCOL's New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 4) (Nursing Pathway) covers a variety of subjects that will equip you with academic skills for higher-level study in nursing, including:
Skills for Academic Study (Level 4) (15 Credits)
In this course you will discover the best way for you to learn in the health sciences area. Topics cover skills considered essential for nursing students and include aspects of learning, exam and test preparation, time management, research skills, written and oral communication as well as interview and CV preparation. Classes will include work in a PC computer laboratory. You will research a health condition, infection or disease that is caused by a microorganism and present this information both in a written essay and oral presentation. You will also create a professional health portfolio of the area of health care that you are interested in working in. This portfolio includes interviewing a health professional and researching the history, academic pathway, professional associations and the significance of this health profession for future health care in New Zealand.
Mastering Calculations (Level 3) (15 Credits)
Students will acquire and practice numeracy skills relevant to health sciences. This will include science calculations such as concentration and metric conversions. You will also look at health related numeracy such as BMI and drug calculations. Statistics is a key part of understanding health related data so you will learn to create, interpret graphs and understand basic statistics from selected health data.
Human Body and Microbes (Level 4) (15 Credits)
Students will examine the structure and function of the human body and prepare a poster to demonstrate their knowledge. The main body systems are covered in more detail and laboratory classes will enable a closer look especially at the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. You will explore the area of microbiology and investigate selected microorganisms, including beneficial, harmful and opportunistic effects on human health. Genetics and inheritance introduce how cells replicate, can make mistakes, and produce the mutants we all are, thus connecting the chemistry of the body to inheritable diseases.
Chemistry and Cell Biology (Level 4) (15 Credits)
Students will review basic principles of chemistry including bonding, chemical formulae and chemical equations including respiration and ATP synthesis. You will explore the properties of acids and buffers to introduce how the chemistry in our blood works to keep our metabolism functioning correctly and what happens when it does not. The basics of biochemistry are covered including the interpretation of chemical structures including alcohols and natural acids, as well as carbohydrates, nucleic acids and lipids and their role in biological systems. In cell biology you will investigate the basic structure and function of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells, then examine the basic tissue types, microorganism growth, and antibiotic resistance. All of these topics will include theory classes and laboratory investigations.