Year One
SE5101 Health Aspects of Exercise and Nutrition
The paper will develop an understanding of the relationship between physical activity, health and nutrition across the lifespan. Nutritional aspects related to heath and exercise for the general population and special population groups will be investigated. The paper will further examine body composition, sound nutrition, weight control and nutrition for exercise performance.
MT5110 Surface Anatomy
Students will demonstrate a knowledge and skills of basic concepts of surface anatomy, that provide a sound theoretical and practical foundation for therapeutic and sports massage.
MT5120 Physiology for Massage Therapy
Students will demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of basic concepts of physiology as they relate to the human body. They will be able to describe the biology and chemistry of the cell and tissues, and the systemic and inter-systemic functions, and the physiological underpinnings of massage therapy practice.
MT5140 Foundations of Therapeutic and Sports Massage
This paper introduces the student to the principles and concepts of therapeutic and sports massage. Philosophies and the history of massage are discussed, students explore issues in contra indications, ethics, legalities, boundaries and scope of practice and identify research findings on the effects of therapeutic and sports massage.
MT5160 Professional Studies
This paper is designed to develop the personal growth, caring skills and professional and ethical behaviour of students and to teach the methodologies and practice of reflection, scientific enquiry and critical thinking. Professional skills will be applied in a clinical practice setting.
MT5170 Therapeutics I
Students will develop skills in therapeutic and sports massage techniques, assessing the client's health and well being status, and massage techniques for stress management.
Year Two
MT6210 Pathology for Massage Practitioners
Students will demonstrate knowledge of the common diseases and disorders associated with the major body systems and be able to discuss their relationship to massage therapy. Students will acquire an introductory knowledge and understanding of pharmacology for musculoskeletal dysfunctions. This knowledge will assist in safe and appropriate planning and evaluation of client care.
MT6225 Massage for Physical Performance
To outline the core principles and practice of training, exercise prescription, and introductory biomechanics for physical performance, review current research on musculoskeletal management and apply massage techniques for stretching and musculoskeletal injury management.
MT6240 Clinical Reasoning and Functional Assessment
This paper introduces the process of clinical reasoning during client assessment, and develops the student's skills of enquiry, observation and testing. The student will use these skills to identify, analyse, synthesize and interpret the level of disability and resultant dysfunction in clients with musculoskeletal disorders, and identify possible contra indications or scope of practice issues.
MT6250 Clinical Practice I
This paper provides a clinic/workplace experience and practice under clinical supervision for assessment, treatment planning, and reporting of case studies in therapeutic and sports massage techniques.
MT6251 Clinical Practice II
This clinical education paper reinforces and extends the theoretical knowledge and skills developed in the classroom and in Clinical Practice I. The student under the supervision of a clinical practitioner evaluates and interacts with suitable clients and clinical situations to facilitate self learning, clinical reasoning and develop a problem solving approach to treatment.
MT6270 Therapeutics II
Studies will be undertaken in a range of advanced therapeutic massage/NMT techniques to restore the structural, functional and postural integrity of the body and to address the problem of pain.
GEN200 Research Statistics
This paper aims to prepare the student for professional practice by presenting research as a uniting strategy for practice, theory and scholarship. Students will be introduced to several approaches to research, both qualitative and quantitative. Students will also be assisted to develop skills as a beginning researcher.
Year Three - Blended Delivery
MT7340 Research and Advanced Professional Development (full year)
To enable the student to conduct small scale research, undertake data analysis, draw conclusions and report findings in a scientific format.
MT7350 Advanced Clinical Reasoning and Clinical Practice III
To provide the student with an advanced clinical placement to develop and apply further skills in clinic management, differential diagnosis, clinical reasoning and wellness and rehabilitation interventions. Students will demonstrate independence and accountability in clinical practice. Students will develop a business plan for their “own business”; and apply skills in operating a business in Clinical Practice III.
MT7360 Advanced Professional Studies
Outline This paper is designed to further develop the personal growth and professional knowledge and skills of advancing practitioners within a clinical and industry setting.
T7370 Therapeutics III
This paper enables massage therapists to develop knowledge and skills in wellness and rehabilitation principles and practices for a range of musculoskeletal conditions. The student will be able to apply this knowledge to wellness and rehabilitation massage therapy interventions for a range of client groups in clinical or industry settings.