First Year
1. 1.0 Credit of Introductory Biology Courses
- BIOA01H3 Life on Earth: Unifying Principles
- BIOA02H3 Life on Earth: Form, Function and Interactions
2. 1.0 Credit of Introductory Chemistry Courses
- CHMA10H3 Introductory Chemistry I: Structure and Bonding
- CHMA11H3 Introductory Chemistry II: Reactions and Mechanisms
3. 1.0 Credit in Mathematics
Choose from:
- [MATA29H3 Calculus I for the Life Sciences or MATA30H3 Calculus I for Physical Sciences]
- [MATA35H3 Calculus II for Biological Sciences or MATA36H3 Calculus II for Physical Sciences]
4. 1.0 Credit in Physics
- [PHYA10H3 Physics I for the Physical Sciences or PHYA11H3 Physics I for the Life Sciences]
- [PHYA21H3 Physics II for the Physical Sciences or PHYA22H3 Physics II for the Life Sciences]
- 0.5 Credit in Statistics
Choose from:
- STAB22H3 Statistics I (this course could also be taken in the second year)
- PSYB07H3 Data Analysis in Psychology (this course could also be taken in the second year)
Second Year
5. 3.0 Credits of Biology Core Courses
- BIOB10H3 Cell Biology
- BIOB11H3 Molecular Aspects of Cellular and Genetic Processes
- BIOB34H3 Animal Physiology
- BIOB38H3 Plants and Society
- BIOB50H3 Ecology
- BIOB51H3 Evolutionary Biology
- BIOB90H3 Integrative Research Poster Project (CR/NCR 0.0 credit)*
*Note: Completion of BIOB90H3 is a graduation requirement for students in this program. Concurrent enrolment in at least one of the BIO B-level courses listed above is required for enrolment in BIOB90H3. Please see BIOB90H3 in the Calendar for important information.
6. 0.5 Credit of Biology Core Labs
BIOB12H3 Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory
7. 1.0 Credit of Organic Chemistry Courses
- CHMB41H3 Organic Chemistry I
- CHMB42H3 Organic Chemistry II
Third Year
8. 3.5 Credits of Biology C-level Courses
- BIOC12H3 Biochemistry I: Proteins & Enzymes
- BIOC13H3 Biochemistry II: Bioenergetics and Metabolism
- BIOC15H3 Genetics
- BIOC17H3 Microbiology
- BIOC20H3 Principles of Virology
- BIOC23H3 Practical Approaches to Biochemistry
- BIOC39H3 Immunology (can be completed in third or fourth year)
9. 0.5 Credit in Computer Science
Choose from:
- CSCA08H3 Introduction to Computer Science I (most appropriate course for computer science students)
- CSCA20H3 Introduction to Programming (most appropriate course for non-computer science students)
(computer science could also be taken in an earlier year)
Third/Fourth Year
10. 0.5 Credit of Cognate Biology Courses
Choose from:
- BIOC10H3 Cell Biology: Proteins from Life to Death
- BIOC14H3 Genes, Environment and Behaviour
- BIOC19H3 Animal Developmental Biology
- BIOC21H3 Vertebrate Histology: Cells and Tissues
- BIOC31H3 Plant Development and Biotechnology
- BIOC35H3 Principles of Parasitology
- BIOC40H3 Plant Physiology
- BIOC70H3 An Introduction to Bias in the Sciences
- BIOD37H3 Biology of Plant Stress
- BIOC90H3 Integrative Multimedia Documentary Project (CR/NCR 0.0 credit)*
*Note: Completion of BIOC90H3 is a graduation requirement for students in this program. Concurrent enrolment in one of the participating BIO C-level courses is required for enrolment in BIOC90H3. Please see BIOC90H3 in the Calendar for important information.
Fourth Year
11. 0.5 Credit in Advanced Molecular Techniques
- BIOD21H3 Advanced Molecular Biology Laboratory
12. 0.5 credit of D-level Research-oriented "Cell & Molecular" Course Work
Choose from:
- BIOD12H3 Protein Homeostasis
- BIOD13H3 Herbology: The Science Behind Medicinal Plants
- BIOD17H3 Seminars in Cellular Microbiology
- BIOD19H3 Epigenetics in Health and Disease
- BIOD20H3 Special Topics in Virology
- BIOD22H3 Molecular Biology of the Stress Response
- BIOD23H3 Special Topics in Cell Biology
- BIOD25H3 Genomics
- BIOD26H3 Fungal Biology and Pathogenesis
- BIOD27H3 Vertebrate Endocrinology
- BIOD29H3 Pathobiology of Human Disease
- BIOD30H3 Plant Research and Biotechnology: Addressing Global Problems
- BIOD95H3 Supervised Study in Biology
- BIOD98Y3 Directed Research in Biology
Note: Any of these courses not used to satisfy this requirement may be used to fulfill the '0.5 Credit of Cognate Biology Courses'.