The Bachelor of International Relations and Bachelor of Business program comprises 32 subjects, as follows:
University core subjects (3)
CORE11-001 Critical Thinking and Communication
CORE11-002 Collaboration, Teams and Leadership
CORE11-003 Responsibility, Integrity and Civic Discourse
Plus: CORE11-004 Beyond Bond: Professional Development and Community Engagement
Required subjects (9)
ACCT11-100 Accounting Principles
BUSN13-331 Business Model Generation
BUSN13-332 Business Model Execution
ECON11-100 Principles of Economics
FINC11-101 Fundamentals of Finance
LAWS10-100 Business Law
MGMT13-305 Human Resource Management
MKTG11-100 Marketing
Alternate Choice: You must complete one of the following two subjects:
Business Major (6)
Students must select one (1) major from the following list. Business majors.
International Relations Subjects (12)
Students must choose twelve (12) subjects from the list of directed electives.
GLBE11-100: Climate Change and the Future World
INTR11-100: Introduction to International Relations
INTR11-101: Geopolitics
INTR11-102: Hacking, Networks and Security
INTR12-200: Australian Public and Foreign Policy
INTR12-203: The United Nations
INTR12-208: Public Diplomacy and Social Media
INTR12-214: Political Economy
INTR12-215: Peace and War
INTR12-216: The Americas
INTR12-230: Terrorism
INTR13-300: International Model United Nations and Study Tour
INTR13-303: China's Defence and Security
INTR13-304: Eurasia
INTR13-305: Australia and the Asia-Pacific
INTR13-309: Diplomacy: Theory and Practice
INTR13-313: Contemporary Globalisations
INTR13-314: The New Europe
INTR13-315: Africa and the Middle East
INTR13-316: Asia's Rising Powers
LING11-102: World Languages
PHIL12-205: Political Philosophy: Freedom, Justice and the State
FSDO13-700: Internship A
Electives (2)
Students can choose 2 General Elective subjects (20CP).
Students may also choose one of the following opportunities to use your elective subject to have international experiences or an Internship opportunity provided you meet the requirements. Please discuss with the Enrolment Advisor in the Student Business Centre.