UNU, WIDER Visiting PhD Fellowship Programme

United Nations University

All Nationalities
Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)

Scholarship Overview

United Nations University invites applications for UNU, WIDER Visiting Ph.D. Fellowship Programme 2021 from registered doctoral students. The aim of this fellowship is to provide the required research opportunities to registered doctoral students. Selected students will get a monthly stipend of EUR 1,700 and other benefits.


  • Travel grant to cover the costs of travel to and from the location of your Ph.D. granting institutions
  • A monthly stipend of EUR 1,700 to cover living expenses in Helsinki
  • Medical insurance
Selection Criteria

Selection will be based on details and documents submitted by the applicants.

Terms and Conditions
  • Applications from suitably qualified early-career, female, and developing country researchers are particularly encouraged.
  • Selected applicants will be informed by email of the final decision within four weeks of the closing deadline.
  • The selected applicants must confirm their decision to take up UNU-WIDER's offer two weeks after being contacted.


This scholarship is closed for further applications. It is expected to be launched by March2022. You can follow this scholarship for further updates.

Meanwhile, browse our featured scholarships and other related scholarships while you wait for the launch of this scholarship.


To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be enrolled in a Ph.D. program and previously have shown the ability to conduct research on developing economies
  • Be a researcher at the later stages of Ph.D.
  • Be fluent in oral and written English
  • Possess good quantitative and/or qualitative analytical skills

How To Apply

  • Follow the steps below to apply for the fellowship:

    Step 1: Click on the "Apply Now" button.
    Step 2: Fill in the required details.
    Step 3: Upload the supporting documents.
    Step 4: Submit the application.
    Step 5: Email the letter of reference by the concerned supervisor to phdreference@wider.unu.edu.