Ramanujan Research Studentship in Mathematics

Trinity College, University of Cambridge

Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy)
United Kingdom

Scholarship Overview

Trinity College, University of Cambridge invites applications for Ramanujan Research Studentship in Mathematics 2020-21 from Indian students who wish to undertake a PhD in the broad fields of Pure or Applied Mathematics at the University of Cambridge. This studentship aims to award meritorious students. Selected students will get Graduate course fees, maintenance allowance and return ticket from India to the United Kingdom.


  • Graduate Course Fees
  • Maintenance allowance (at up to the minimum rate set by the University)
  • Return ticket from India to the United Kingdom


This scholarship is closed for further applications. It is expected to be launched by November2021. You can follow this scholarship for further updates.

Meanwhile, browse our featured scholarships and other related scholarships while you wait for the launch of this scholarship.


To be eligible, an applicant must:

  • Be a citizen of India
  • Hold a First Class Honours degree or its equivalent from any university or comparable institution in India
  • Have applied for admission, or already received an offer of admission, for the MASt degree in Mathematics at the University of Cambridge
  • Not yet have been a member of the University of Cambridge as an undergraduate or graduate student

How To Apply

Follow the steps below to apply for the scholarship:

Step 1: Email at gradfunding@trin.cam.ac.uk to receive a copy of the Preliminary Application Form.

Step 2: Fill in the required details and send the completed application form to gradfunding@trin.cam.ac.uk.