NASI-Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Awards

The National Academy of Sciences (NASI)

Biological Sciences,Physical Science

Scholarship Overview

The National Academy of Sciences (NASI) invites nominations for NASI-Reliance Industries Platinum Jubilee Awards 2021 from Indian citizens below 50 years of age. The nominees should be Indian citizens/overseas citizens of India below the age of 50 years. The awards will be presented in the areas of Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences. The awards carry a cash prize of INR 3 lakhs and Plaque.


Three awards each will be given in Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences every year. Each award carries:

  • INR 3 lakhs in cash
  • A Plaque
Terms and Conditions
  • The presentation of the awards will be made at the time of the 90th Annual Session of NASI to be held at Hyderabad on December 2021.
  • The nomination shall be made in the prescribed format.
  • The areas in the Physical Sciences include – Chemistry, Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, Electronics, Nanotechnology, Information & Computer Sciences, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences.
  • The areas in the Biological Sciences include –  Agriculture, Animal and Plant Sciences, Environment, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Bioprocess Engineering, Bioinformatics, all branches of medical sciences, and Nanotechnology.
  • Nominators, who are eligible for nominating candidates for the awards, must belong to All Science Secretaries, Secretary HRD, Director Generals – CSIR, ICMR & ICAR; Directors of IITs, IIITs, National Laboratories/Institutes, Industries with well-recognized R&D units including private research institutions; Vice-Chancellors of all Universities – Central & State; Directors of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, AIIMS, New Delhi, PGI’s of Medical Research, Chairman, UGC; Presidents of all Science and Engineering Academies (Engineering, Medical, Agriculture); All Fellows of the NASI.
  • A candidate may only be nominated once.
  • A nomination will remain valid for consideration for 3 years or the age eligibility whichever expires earlier.


This scholarship is closed for further applications. It is expected to be launched by March2022. You can follow this scholarship for further updates.

Meanwhile, browse our featured scholarships and other related scholarships while you wait for the launch of this scholarship.


To be eligible, the applicant must:

  • Be an Indian citizen or Overseas Citizen of India working in India
  • Be below the age of 50 years as of April 15, 2021

How To Apply

  • Follow the steps below to apply for the awards:

    Step 1: Click on the "Apply Now" button and read all the fellowship details.
    Step 2: Fill the nomination form with relevant details.
    Step 3: Send the duly filled nomination form to the following address:

    The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI)
    5, Lajpatrai Road,
    Allahabad – 211002