Inlaks Scholarships (University Courses) is the brainchild of Indoo Shivdasani, who wished to create a scholarship programme to incorporate his philanthropic activities and to establish a permanent, independent body for the expansion of his benevolent activities. This scholarship is funded through the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation. The Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation is responsible for providing scholarships, grants, and awards in diverse fields to exceptional young Indians to enable them to develop their professional, scientific, artistic, and cultural abilities, both abroad and in India.
Over the last four decades since the inception of the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation, more than 460 scholars have benefited from overseas scholarships while over 600 others have received awards and Take-Off Grants in India and abroad. The very fact that the Inlaks Scholarships (University Courses) is open to a wide range of subjects, many of which are not covered by other fund-giving bodies, is what set the Inlaks Shivdasani Foundation apart from its contemporaries.
Shortlisting Process
Terms and Conditions
The continuation of the scholarship depends on the good academic performance of the scholars in the examinations conducted by their respective universities.
Renewal cases of stipend holders who are not promoted to the next year will not be considered for further renewal.
Application Documents
Additional Documents:
Who is eligible to apply for the Inlaks scholarship?
What is the age criteria to apply for the Inlaks scholarship?
Where does one apply for the scholarship?
When are the applications forms available and what is the last date of submission?
Which universities/institutions qualify for the Inlaks scholarships?
What kind of degrees is the scholarship applicable for?
Is the scholarship available for Undergraduate courses also?