Harish-Chandra Research Institute invites applications for the Harish-Chandra Research Institute Department of Atomic Energy Research Associateship 2021 from PhD degree holders. The fellowship is meant for the project titled, "Efficient Hydrogen Generation Through Improved Catalytic Pathway Prediction on Layered Materials". The selected candidate will receive a fellowship of up to INR 47,000 per month plus other benefits.
The selected candidate will receive a fellowship of up to INR 47,000 per month plus other benefits.
To be eligible, an applicant must -
Eligible candidates can apply for the associateship by following the steps mentioned below:
Step 1: Click on the "Apply Now" button below and read all details.
Step 2: Send the detailed Curriculum Vitae with a photograph along with testimonials, experience certificates, certificate of last pay drawn, etc. before 27.04.2021 via email only to prasen@hri.res.in and write ‘Application for the post of RA' in the subject line.