Farleigh Dickinson University is offering the Col. Farleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship and the FDU International Scholarships for international students who are undertaking Bachelors or Masters degrees at the University.
Level/Field(s) of study:
Bachelors and Masters degrees in any subject
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Col. Fairleigh S. Dickinson Scholarship: Up to $32,000 per year for undergraduate studies.
FDU International Scholarships: Up to $27,000 per year for the FDU International Undergraduate Scholarship and $1,000 to $10,000 per year for the FDU International Graduate Scholarship.
The scholarships are awarded per year (Fall and Spring semesters) and renewable to up to 4 years.
Generally, the scholarships are based on academic merit and test scores. Only candidates who have submited a complete FDU course application will be considered. Scholarships are renewable each year based on continued full-time enrollment, maintaining a good GPA, and remaining in good standing at FDU.
A separate scholarship application is not required. Upon submission of the application and all required supporting documents, students will be automatically considered for scholarships. The application deadline for Summer Semester is 1 May and that for Fall semester is 1 July.